Hmm.. back in Malaysia after a year in Melbourne.. I must say that a lot has happened in just a year..So many ups and downs.. A broadened perspective on Christianity and many lessons learnt. It is not just about being a church-goer (or some might say Sunday seat warmer), or attending CG, or helping others. It's more than that.. Looking back, I am thankful indeed for the chance to study in and experience one of Australia's best cities, for the friendships and memories in my batch and also CG. I felt so blessed despite my moments of inadequacy..
Am inspired after reading my friend's blog post quite some time back, which made me realised that there were times where I blindly place emphasis on doing things, rather than what really matters; relationship with God. Then, there is that occasional lack of faith, "God-can-wait" mentality, plus the negative-minded judgemental thinking of others(ie I'm better than you). There are many things which I took for granted, failing to be thankful for the little things that count. Yes, like a friend has said before I left, I have my own issues to deal with.. I'm beginning to realise what some of them probably are.
So one thing I'm pondering now is; "Now that I'm back home, how have I changed in the past year? In what ways can I put it into practice?" It will be tough, especially before classes resume in Sunway.. This year will be a challenge, I have my own goals as part of my New Year resolution.. I don't know whether I'll fulfil them all at the end of the year (one has already been fulfilled). If yes, I don't know how or when, but I'll look forward to it and put my trust in Him.
Yes, I miss Melbourne. I miss Australia. I miss CCM, my CG mates and my shepherd (ehem, haha..). But it's the beginning of a new year, with new hopes, and new things to look forward to. We'll see what happens.
p/s: Oh yes, I do intend to expand and improve on my lameness.. lolz :p
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