Honestly, abit stressed and panicky when arrived, coz its been 2 months since I last chaired CG. What 2 do in da following situations leh when confronted with them unexpectedly, having arrived at 7 something? Caregroup starting soon in 20 minutes. Here are some of da wackiest tips of stuff u can do, by God's grace.
1. You arrived and found out got no biscuit and 'sirap' for communion.
Answer: You run 2 da nearby convenience store, buy a 60 sen kaya bun and a bottle of Ribena :p
2. And then you found out got no small communion cups wor.. and ur assistant caregroup leader asked u 2 think creative :p
Answer: You get larger plastic cups. Later, when people bout da size of da cups, say "There, my ACL ask 2 think creative mar.. so since it's da final caregroup of da year, we want 2 think BIG 4 God in da coming year 2008, AMEN?!" lol
3. You just found out dat 2nite's worship leader will be late.
Answer: Since it's just after Christmas, ask everyone 2 share how their Christmas season has been, and what ideal gift would they want. Then, collect thanksgiving offering.
4. No offering bag.. how leh?
Answer: There is a box of Toblerone chocolates nearby - holiday edition. Pour out its contents. Then, looking at everybody, smile and say " Ok people. Since it's da season of giving, let's give cheerfully ya :p"
5. Passing the time 2 worship leader who just arrived.
Me: Are you all excited today?!!
Everyone: YEAH!
Me: So what do we do when we are excited?
Jac: Erm.. praise and worship?
Me: Ya correct! Zhen chong ming (very smart) - confirm got drink Dumex 1 Plus
Everyone: *sweat* *pengsanz* *zhadao*
Me: Anyway, let's welcome our 2 hen piao liang de (very beautiful) sisters; Chloe and Joyce 2 lead us in2 a time of worship, ok?
Thank you for visiting this page of mine. Indeed you are a very important person :-)
Friday, December 28, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
More talking cock on MSN
I am Gary says:
gary baru habis tengok i am legend
I am Gary says:
wY^ says:
dia ingat dia legend la tu lol
wY^ says:
legend buat lame joke
I am Gary says:
ya betul
I am Gary says:
nanti dia buat satu movie baru
I am Gary says:
dipanggil 'I am lame' - Malaysian edition
wY^ says:
There's a Malaysian sequel to I Am Legend, and it's called ' I Am Lame' says:
haha ok change nick
wY^ says:
i am lame movie star
wY^ says:
kita berikan tepukan gemuruh kpd dia
wY^ says:
clap clap clap
There's a Malaysian sequel to I Am Legend, and it's called ' I Am Lame' says:
yay haha
There's a Malaysian sequel to I Am Legend, and it's called ' I Am Lame' says:
tq tq
wY^ says:
yah...i thought u suppose to appear jadi headline of newspaper
There's a Malaysian sequel to I Am Legend, and it's called ' I Am Lame' says:
pertama sekali saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada idola saya
There's a Malaysian sequel to I Am Legend, and it's called ' I Am Lame' says:
iaitu will smith
There's a Malaysian sequel to I Am Legend, and it's called ' I Am Lame' says:
dulu saya pernah tanya dia "Will u allow me 2 bcome Mr Smith? lol"
wY^ says:
ok..kita commercial break
There's a Malaysian sequel to I Am Legend, and it's called ' I Am Lame' says:
oi oi
wY^ says:
wY^ says:
he will gandingkan u with mrs smith
gary baru habis tengok i am legend
I am Gary says:
wY^ says:
dia ingat dia legend la tu lol
wY^ says:
legend buat lame joke
I am Gary says:
ya betul
I am Gary says:
nanti dia buat satu movie baru
I am Gary says:
dipanggil 'I am lame' - Malaysian edition
wY^ says:
There's a Malaysian sequel to I Am Legend, and it's called ' I Am Lame' says:
haha ok change nick
wY^ says:
i am lame movie star
wY^ says:
kita berikan tepukan gemuruh kpd dia
wY^ says:
clap clap clap
There's a Malaysian sequel to I Am Legend, and it's called ' I Am Lame' says:
yay haha
There's a Malaysian sequel to I Am Legend, and it's called ' I Am Lame' says:
tq tq
wY^ says:
yah...i thought u suppose to appear jadi headline of newspaper
There's a Malaysian sequel to I Am Legend, and it's called ' I Am Lame' says:
pertama sekali saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada idola saya
There's a Malaysian sequel to I Am Legend, and it's called ' I Am Lame' says:
iaitu will smith
There's a Malaysian sequel to I Am Legend, and it's called ' I Am Lame' says:
dulu saya pernah tanya dia "Will u allow me 2 bcome Mr Smith? lol"
wY^ says:
ok..kita commercial break
There's a Malaysian sequel to I Am Legend, and it's called ' I Am Lame' says:
oi oi
wY^ says:
wY^ says:
he will gandingkan u with mrs smith
Sunday, December 23, 2007
R.I.P. Sunway - End of another chapter
Two brothers decided to dig a deep hole behind their house. As they were working, a couple of older boys stopped by to watch.from S.A.L.T. website.
"What are you doing?" asked one of the visitors.
"We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth!" one of the brothers volunteered excitedly.
The older boys began to laugh, telling the younger ones that digging a hole all the way through the earth was impossible. After a long silence, one of the diggers picked up a jar full of spiders, worms and a wide assortment of insects. He removed the lid and showed the wonderful contents to the scoffing visitors. Then he said quietly and confidently, "Even if we don't dig all the way through the earth, look what we found along the way!"
Their goal was far too ambitious, but it did cause them to dig. And that is what a goal is for - to cause us to move in the direction we have chosen; in other words, to set us up for digging!
But not every goal will be fully achieved. Not every job will end successfully. Not every relationship will endure. Not every hope will come to pass. Not every love will last. Not every endeavour will be completed. Not every dream will be realized. But when you fall short of your aim, perhaps you can say, "Yes, but look at what I found along the way! Look at the wonderful things which have come into my life because I tried to do something!"
It is in the digging that life is lived. And I believe it is joy in the journey, in the end, that truly matters.
I learnt a lot this year 2007 - year of building humility. I fell down a lot this year. I got hurt, disappointed and frustrated with many things this year. However, through little steps of faith I survived this year. I try my best to acknowledge that I can give thanks for a lot of things this year despite the ups and downs. Many reflections.
I admit that an initial preview of what I can expect of JB (both from my course and Hope JB) - left me stunned and reluctant to move from where I am standing now. Many things came to mind.. (Some things like; Repositioning me for what?! If I don't learn some Mandarin and Hokkien I will DIE!! :p) JB will be a challenge, 2008 will probably be a year of expansion. More things to do. More challenges and headaches to overcome. Greater targets to attain. In the midst of all this, I can't help but ask myself where am I now, and where am I heading, hoping 4 some clearer direction, since at this moment I'm probably being swamped by just too many things. Duno lar..
"You are like a flash of lightning that came during a calm period just before the storm, and left just as quickly."That's what my CG leader likened me to. Need 2 move on again after another short transition, just when I was about to get settled. Another repeat of Melbourne. Yes, we did not have as many outings as Melbourne. Yes, I did not get many chances to get to know people as closely as I would have liked to. But still, I'm going to miss this place. A lot, as I go into this week chairing the final caregroup of the year. Sigh.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
A Monash medical student's 12 days of Christmas :p
On da 12th day of Christmas my doctor* gave 2 me:
12 tendon hammers
11 stethoscopes
10 tongue depressors
9 crepe bandages
8L chlorhexidine
7 opthalmoscopes
6 really lame jokes
5 latex gloves
4 auriscopes
3 lab coats
2 cadavers
and a good luck when we're in JB :-)
*replaces 'true love'
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Filler post - More nonsense
During caregroup, when everybody is introducing themselves in caregroup. Warning: only for professionals, otherwise will scare your visitors away :p
Visitor: Hi, my name is __________ but my friends like 2 call me 'Ah Girl'.
Me (seated next to visitor): Oh hi, my parents also like 2 call me 'Ah Boy'.
Visitor: Hi, my name is Haruco.
Me: Oh, nice 2 meet you, u can call me Naruto.
Lame jokes:
1. (inspired by a certain monkey) There are 10 fishes in a dish tank. When 1 fish died, what happen to the water level? Answer: Go up. Why? Because all the fishes cried. Pfft.
2. A tourist went 2 Spain, and decided 2 have lunch at a restaurant next 2 a bull-fighting ring, where matadors put on a show in front of spectators. He asked the waiter for the restaurant's specialty, and got a huge, round, dark brown coloured ball on a plate in front of him. He asked the waiter what is it. The waiter said, "Oh, it's beef testicles, senor." He took a small portion, and enjoyed it. The following days it became a regular order for him. Then, on the 4th day, the ball shrunk and became very small. The tourist asked the waiter, "How come today's specialty became so small already ar?" The waiter replied, "Si senor, sometimes man win, sometimes bull win."
Lunch quotes:
Me: Eh, finish the salad lar. Just now u go and stack so high, don't waste food. Pizza hut expensive leh.
Ben: Don't want lar. Full already.
Me: U dowan 2 eat, I eat lor.
Ben: Why? :p Izit coz ur mum said the children in Africa are suffering? You know, I got a friend who rebutted each reason why you should not finish your food.
Me: I'm listening.
Ben: First and foremost, even if you cannot finish your salad, it does not mean you are going to pack it and send it there. Even if you are, they may not eat it as it may have already gone bad. Secondly, even if you finish the food, you are most likely to overeat, and when you overeat u end up becoming drowsy and sleepy, may end up crashing your car into a tree, get admitted 2 hospital and hence cause more people to become sad and emotional over what happened 2 u. Thirdly, if everybody eats more salad, then Malaysia will experience a shortage of vegetables and may have 2 end up importing vegetables from other countries. Then, you will be depriving people of those countries of even more food and make their famine worse.
Me: Whatever..
Visitor: Hi, my name is __________ but my friends like 2 call me 'Ah Girl'.
Me (seated next to visitor): Oh hi, my parents also like 2 call me 'Ah Boy'.
Visitor: Hi, my name is Haruco.
Me: Oh, nice 2 meet you, u can call me Naruto.
Lame jokes:
1. (inspired by a certain monkey) There are 10 fishes in a dish tank. When 1 fish died, what happen to the water level? Answer: Go up. Why? Because all the fishes cried. Pfft.
2. A tourist went 2 Spain, and decided 2 have lunch at a restaurant next 2 a bull-fighting ring, where matadors put on a show in front of spectators. He asked the waiter for the restaurant's specialty, and got a huge, round, dark brown coloured ball on a plate in front of him. He asked the waiter what is it. The waiter said, "Oh, it's beef testicles, senor." He took a small portion, and enjoyed it. The following days it became a regular order for him. Then, on the 4th day, the ball shrunk and became very small. The tourist asked the waiter, "How come today's specialty became so small already ar?" The waiter replied, "Si senor, sometimes man win, sometimes bull win."
Lunch quotes:
Me: Eh, finish the salad lar. Just now u go and stack so high, don't waste food. Pizza hut expensive leh.
Ben: Don't want lar. Full already.
Me: U dowan 2 eat, I eat lor.
Ben: Why? :p Izit coz ur mum said the children in Africa are suffering? You know, I got a friend who rebutted each reason why you should not finish your food.
Me: I'm listening.
Ben: First and foremost, even if you cannot finish your salad, it does not mean you are going to pack it and send it there. Even if you are, they may not eat it as it may have already gone bad. Secondly, even if you finish the food, you are most likely to overeat, and when you overeat u end up becoming drowsy and sleepy, may end up crashing your car into a tree, get admitted 2 hospital and hence cause more people to become sad and emotional over what happened 2 u. Thirdly, if everybody eats more salad, then Malaysia will experience a shortage of vegetables and may have 2 end up importing vegetables from other countries. Then, you will be depriving people of those countries of even more food and make their famine worse.
Me: Whatever..
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Since Ben and Anna have been putting up Christmas invites, I'm tagging along :p

In case the words are too small,we are having Christmas service, 25 December from 10.30-12.30 am at the abovementioned venue (some place in Bukit Bintang, since a combination of 3 centres will be attending - PJ, KLCC, Serdang), with special programmes in store. Interested? Let me know via a phonecall or email 2 arrange transport.. oh, and bring a present worth around RM7 for gift exchanges..

In case the words are too small,we are having Christmas service, 25 December from 10.30-12.30 am at the abovementioned venue (some place in Bukit Bintang, since a combination of 3 centres will be attending - PJ, KLCC, Serdang), with special programmes in store. Interested? Let me know via a phonecall or email 2 arrange transport.. oh, and bring a present worth around RM7 for gift exchanges..
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Sumbody's birthday :p lolz
This blog post was saved as a draft on 1 December itself.. U urself know who u r lar.. simply go and ruin Ben's and my surprise.. no we did not 4get, just pretended 2.. anyway, a song dedicated 4 ur birthday :-) enjoy!
5.00 PM, 28 November 2007
No phone call from the faculty 2 re-sit supps.
No phone call from the faculty 2 re-sit supps.
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