Caleb Hogan wants to transfer to Patrick Henry College (PHC) to compete on the Moot Court team. His mother, Judith, who is a high profile constitutional lawyer, opposes his decision because Patrick Henry College teaches from a biblical worldview. To her, nothing is absolute and as a lawyer, it is the ability to be able to manipulate the grey areas in your favour that matters. Since Caleb insists that the PHC Moot Court team, champions for 2 consecutive years will provide him with the best training for working in her law firm, Judith agrees to pay for education for only 1 term, subject to the condition that he wins the Moot Court National Championship.
The Moot Court topic is soon announced as a case weighing a young girl's right to have an abortion, against her parents' right to know about it. Caleb believes that the team will be most successful by arguing for a small exception to the apparent "right to abortion" by showing substantial parental interests, not because he supports abortion but because he insists that attempting to overturn Roe vs Wade will provoke a negative emotional response from the liberal judges, 1 of whom was a former well-known Supreme Court judge. His partner, Rachel however, argues that they should make the case to go all out and overturn it, thus completely denying the right to an abortion. Caleb admits of being under pressure to win the debate competition at all costs, even through some form of compromise, if he intends to continue studying at the college.
Meanwhile, Judith is offered a case to argue in the Supreme Court on behalf of an abortion clinic who violated a state's parental notification laws. Against the wishes of her husband Don, a biology teacher, and her son Caleb, Judith takes the case to boost her reputation and asks Rachel to work as an intern at her law firm to help her prepare, which she refused. As the Moot Court championship tournament draws near, Caleb is faced with a growing rift forming between his parents, an escalating argument with his debate partner and the future of his education and his family at stake.
In the end, it's a matter of principle. It all comes down to taking a stand, whatever the cost. Caleb learnt that not everything is about winning and losing, and that despite being a losing finalist when he challenged the Supreme court judge panel by presenting an unpopular argument, his decision drew applause from the audience, and eventually lead to Judith realising her shortcomings. Both parents reconciled, so did Rachel and him.
And to add another lesson? Every life is precious..
Currently listening: 讚美之泉 - 展開清晨的翅膀 (Stream of Praise - Wings of the dawn)
(Father you know all of my heart all my life)
我坐下 我起來 你都已曉得
(You know my ways, when I sit down and when I rise)
我行路 我躺臥 你都細察
(There's not a word, not a thought you do not know)
(My heart is glad to be known by you)
我舌頭上的話 你沒有一句不知道
(My heart cannot express the wonder of your love)
你在我前後環繞著我 按手在我身上
(How high and deep and wide, and flowing from above)
這樣的奇妙 是我不能測透
(My God is always there, he's faithful to the end)
你的至高 你的尊貴 是我永遠不能所及
(He will hide me under his wing, in his shelter I will be safe)
(Where can I go? Where can I run to hide away?)
我可以往哪裡去逃 可躲避你的面
(As high as the sky, deep as the sea, your hands will guide me)
(No matter where, no matter what my life goes through)
就在那裡 你的雙手也必引導我
(Father above, my heart is glad to be known by you)
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