Friday, March 09, 2007

Of Flowers and PCLs

Since I'm quite free after 1st week, followed Ben to visit his church (Glad Tidings AOG, PJ) on Saturday. Felt really awesome.. presence of the Holy Spirit was really overflowing there.. Next, went to Hope PJ on Sunday. Stayed back for bible conference in the afternoon, and the wonderful lessons on 'A Renewed Church' and the performances..

Honestly I don't like to walk into a PCL unprepared (which happened this week unfortunately).. also, a bit hard to start my engine again to contribute more and be more confident since it has been 4 months since leaving Australia. There was a gathering lunch for Years 1 and 2 to mingle together. The theme? Flowers. (I came in a green shirt as a leaf :p, since the guys were labelled as unsporting, how about WE do the theme next time??)

There were a few lessons I have learnt this week.

Since I don't know which area to serve in, went early for CF prayer meeting on Thursday to try it out. Amazed at how the words just came despite me not knowing what to say (although I must admit, need more practice since I kinda lost it a little at tne end after becoming self-aware and self-led). Might want to go for worship team.. Problem: Can't play guitar, can't play keyboard, don't know as many songs apart from mainly Hillsong and Planetshakers.. Willing to learn, but hopefully pride does not rear its ugly head as it did the last time..
CF Theme of the week?
Sounds familiar?

The CG I went to was rather small. Yea, yea.. I know.. some people may grumble as to why there is no fellowship dinner, the environment (Clayton ministry house seemed a lot better both physically and spiritually), the size (I mean, what can you do with 5 people?). Honestly, I was guilty of that a little initially, but I think it's more of teaching myself to be humble, to learn to appreciate the fact that we are already more fortunate to be able to gather as such, as well as to think of what I can do for the CG rather than asking "Why is this CG not as fun as Clayton?" But honestly, I had fun on that Thursday night.

There was something I asked Him. And I had a feeling His reply came in 3 waves:
Wave 1: While at GTPJ on Saturday, Numbers 22 (story of Balaam)
Wave 2: Matthew 6:19-24
Wave 3: CG last night, Genesis 11 (Tower of Babel)

Part of what was mentioned has already started to be fulfilled. Wonder how will it turn out next week..

Speaking of next week, it's going to be a challenge. Seriously.
Consecutive classes from 9-5 on Monday and 8-5 on Wednesday. Need to prepare for the CBP interview. And of course the issue mentioned above.

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