It may not be much to shout about, and doing medicine is not entirely about this.. but to me it is something meaningful, especially if you have been turning up to class blur and constantly being nagged by bedside tutors despite being in your 2nd last week of O&G.
It may seem like a useless, time-wasting activity, going to the community clinic just to wait for a patient to come in requiring a referral to the hospital. My assignment involves writing an a referral letter for that patient. Yeah, right.. as if its going to happen, even if they need a referral, the family medicine specialist should be able to handle it on site, no need to go to the hospital.
I have people coming up and asking me to fabricate a patient / clerk and make up some details here and there, rather than waste time in such petty matters, might as well use the time to study or do something else.. In fact, one scolded me the week before for asking consent from a patient for pap smears and wasting a golden opportunity to get my log book signed off when the patient turned me down (thanks to my 'stupidity', since chances like these don't come by easily).. Nevertheless, I'm thankful for the staff nurse who subsequently helped me out with that matter. The one-way taxi fare RM10 to go there myself is already burning a hole in my pocket, considering the fact that I'm not very well-to-do. 3 trips there already and still nothing. As mentioned earlier, might as well study right? (since I don't really know much)
Nevertheless, it was an opportunity to teach me that God is never late in fulfilling His promises, and the end does not justify the means. Therefore, do not compromise. A week before the assignment deadline while sitting in with the MO, the MA dropped by to inform that there is a case of fever (suspected dengue). What more could I ask for? Quickly clerked, briefly examined and compared any missed details with the MA and patient's consultation card, and there it was.. The night before the deadline, a word of pessimistic caution came from a friend that the referral letter was supposed to be addressed specifically to a specialist based on the marking scheme, which some tutors are particular about (mine was addressed to the MO of the emergency department). Nevertheless, it's already been typed out, what else could I do, apart from uphold it unto God's hands, for better or worse.
A few days ago, found out that despite being cross-marked by 2 relatively strict tutors, my referral letter turned out to be one of those which were awarded a perfect score. At the end of the day, what more could I ask for?
Thank you for visiting this page of mine. Indeed you are a very important person :-)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Because someone picked me up
Will it make a difference?
In Australia, there is a beach where at certain times each year thousands of starfish are washed up on the sand. Usually at night, a high tide, a large wave will bring them in so far that the water won't carry them back out. Then, as the sun shines on the starfish, they slowly dry out and die.
One morning a tourist came out of his hotel for a jog at dawn. Down on the beach he noticed a little boy picking up stranded starfish and throwing them back into the sea. But there were thousands of them up and down the shore.
The man ran up to the boy and said, "I know what you are doing, and I think I know why you're doing it. But there are thousands of starfish here and miles of beach. Do you really think that what you are doing is going to make a difference?"
The boy said, "I don't know. But I think it will make a difference in this one!" And he picked up another starfish and threw it into the sea.
-Excerpt from: 'Whose Child is This?: A story of hope and help for a generation at peril' - by Bill Wilson-
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Long-overdue 1st semester updates - Birthdays of 3J's
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
A Sustainable Church - 1

延续生态的气息 大地的脉搏
沧海桑田 历久不衰
周而复始 生生不息
惠及众生 造福后世
划破空虚混沌 使无变有
立定大地根基 维系宇宙 哺育万有
从天而降的清流 属神的甘霖
使教会得洁净 得装备 得能力
历时千年 空前绝后 惊天动地的大决战
威逼利诱 软硬兼施
然而 从诞生 兴旺
一千年的堕落 腐败 黑暗
纵观历史 教会所到之处
影响有目共睹 铁证如山
骁勇善战 野蛮暴力 摧毁罗马帝国的北欧蛮族
遇上神的真道 即被驯化成为文明人
新发明 新发现 接踵而来
带动农业革命 工业革命
人类进入机器时代 生活水平提升
工人福利更受重视 慈善机构应运而生
短短两百年 她从一片蛮荒之地
开拓市镇 设立学校 医院
不人道的殉夫习俗 奴隶买卖 成为历史
千千万万被罪奴役 被传统压迫的灵魂
蒙拯救 得释放
跨地域 越文化的影响 彰显出教会的震撼力
今天 神正在执笔撰写
保罗 马丁路德 卫斯理约翰
威廉克里 马礼逊 李文斯顿
神的子民们 神已发出呼召
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