Watched a powerful movie during prayer meeting in church, as pastor shared several valuable lessons gained (plot summary can be found here):
1. Do not be distracted or deceived by what we see or how we feel, until we forget who the real enemy is. No one is our enemy, not the other person, only the devil is - stealing your joy, killing your faith, destroying your family (John 10:10 - The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.).
2. Keep away from distraction, focus on God - set apart time rather than rush through. Listen to Him, acknowledge that we need Him and allow Him to take over the situation. James 4:7 - Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. When Elizabeth opened up about her marital problems, Miss Clara replied, “Can I ask you how much you pray for your husband?” She went on to explain, “You’re fighting the wrong enemy. It’s not your job to fix your husband — you need to plead with God so He can do what only He can do, then get out of the way.”Put ourselves under God's authority and rest assured that His presence goes with us.
3. Respond to the touch and call which God puts into your heart. He will not force us to respond, but the price of not obeying is great. At times, it is due to ourselves finding it hard to lay down. Miss Clara shared with Elizabeth that she never got the chance to reconcile with her husband, refusing to pray for him because she was so stubborn, bitter and prideful. She didn’t learn her lesson until after he died from a sudden heart attack.
Currently listening: Planetshakers - Leave me astounded
Reflecting upon my past few weeks of the CNY festive period, I guess there are things which I can do better, as well as to give thanks for. Need to continue to pray for relationships between relatives to improve, since conflicts still occur in spite of it being the season to come together as a family regardless of our differences.
Give thanks to God for His hand of protection. My shepherd and I were on the way to LG, and it was quite a drive downtown to JB with the heavy downpour. There was a time when I had to hit the brakes to slow down, as a car in front of me spun and lost control. Suddenly we heard a loud crash, not knowing where it came from. Looking at my rearview mirror, I managed to catch a glimpse of a car hitting the divider and bouncing just right behind us. Fortunately, it did not hit the back of my car. Phew! That was a close call..
Before CNY, I was handed a letter by my department's PA - apparently I was one of those selected to receive an award for excellent performance at work in 2015. It came as an unexpected blessing, as I reflected upon the past year - indeed there were probably others who were better than me (honestly I'm not a very smart person, I do get my fair share of rebuke for mistakes made). Nevertheless, it was something I was grateful for.
Last but not least, I finally sat for the MCQ for my postgrad primary exam. I was not expecting to pass, since:
1. I only started preparing 1 month prior to the exams (paid my fees in December, exam in January), whereas I knew of people who prepared 3-6 months in advance (recommended thing to do) for their MRCP / MRCS.
2. I did not take any study leave. I have friends who did in order to prepare for MRCP etc, grabbing some time out and going back to their hometown in the process. I have nothing against study leaves, but personally I believe my leaves can be better spent elsewhere for ministry needs and camps. But that also meant that on top of long days at work and serving in church, it's down to burning the midnight oil until the wee hours of the morning. There were times when I actually ask myself, "Am I going to make it? There's so much stuff to study for anaesthesia compared to other specialties - pharmacology, physiology, physics (yes, physics), anatomy, statistics, clinical medicine.. felt like wana die already."
3. The questions were quite difficult - pretty much what I expected through doing revision MCQs. But I sat for it anyway, consoling myself that whatever the outcome, it was for the experience.
I guess God was gracious because when the results were released, I passed! Somehow it was nothing short of a miracle. All glory to Him :)
After a day of physical activities, came the movie night session. We watched the movie 'Gridiron Gang', which documented the efforts of a prison warden to transform the lives of juvenile inmates through football, in an attempt to keep them off the streets.
Personally, was deeply moved and inspired by the coach's courage and attempt to start something which he sees value in, despite not knowing what the eventual outcome will be.
The next day's sharing served as a reminder of the higher purpose to which God has called us.
1. True unity is moving together in God's common goal
1.1 Be inspired and personalise God's vision
Initially, the prison gang inmates got involved in the programme because of Coach Porter's initial efforts in inspiring and casting the vision of the football team. In the same way, what were Jesus' last words before He ascended to heaven? "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Who is the coach who continues to inspire and guide us today? The Holy Spirit.
Being inspired is one thing, but it serves no long term purpose if one fails to personalise the vision. How do we know the team has personalised the coach's vision? After a major loss, they practised on their own initiative without their coach, who was told that the football programme will be scrapped. They also motivated each other during a playoff game, in the absence of their coach. The main protagonist, Willie actually rallied his teammates by saying, "This means more to us than them." When asked to offer words of encouragement to the juveniles, Coach Porter remarked, "They are ready."
How do I know if I have personalised the church vision / Great commission?
What kind of person are we back in our hometowns, while away from church coverage in JB? Do we spend our holidays / free time predominantly on leisure (ie eat, sleep, have fun), or make an attempt to be a positive influence and blessing at home?
What would you do if transferred to another city / town where there is no Hope church? Would you take up the challenge to start a lifegroup?
1.2 Be committed in fulfilling the goal.
We live in a world where the value of commitment is losing value, as evidenced through rising divorce rates, and job changes. Commitment to unity and the local church will be tested by conflicts, misunderstandings, seeing each other's weaknesses.
2. Unity is costly - pain and hurts, require us to make the decision to lay down ourselves. Not easy, for we are our own worst enemy.
As in the words of Jim Elliot, 'He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.' Choose to be hurt free in conflicts as we experience more of God's love and His willingness to pay the price for our sins.
In the movie, one of the inmates, Junior, who suffered a slipped disc during practice and was deemed not fit to play, donned his jersey and charged unto the field at a crucial moment of a playoff game, tackling 2 opponents in the process. He could have been seriously injured and paralysed, but he did it, because he wanted to make his son proud, despite his past deeds. Kelvin, who used to be Willie's arch nemesis as they came from rival gangs, ran alongside him during one of the crucial plays to defend him from the opposing team's players.
3. Unity brings us reward.
Session closed with a call to respond, whichever LG we are in - to personalise God's vision, and to work towards maintaining unity among LG members.
Took leave for a 2 days 2 nights student group camp in Broga - teambuilding activities and challenges. Some overcame fear of heights (wall climbing and flying fox), others attained personal breakthroughs by not giving up in the tasks assigned. Woke up at 5am on the last day for a morning hike up to Broga Hill. In the dark, there were various points during the climb of just wanting to give up and go back down (already felt hypoxic and muscle aches), but I just pushed myself to keep on going, and we all made it to the top.
Personal reflection: I push myself, because I believe that physical limitations should not hinder us from accomplishing certain tasks, it's a matter of personal willingness (also I believe that as a leader, when one takes up the challenge and attains personal breakthrough, it inspires others to do likewise). But I guess I also need to learn how not to impose my view and set expectations on others unnecessarily - because there is a tendency to result in harsh judgement if I'm not careful.
It has been ages since I wrote my last post. Guess busyness took its toll on something I used to enjoy doing. 2015 has come and gone, there were moments of breakthrough and disappointments, positive lessons as well as failures.
Things have not been easy in several aspects, some appear to be worsening. Family situations, expectations and stressors from work environment, ministry direction, career and academic development. There were times of being forced to reevaluate what I actually believe, with many voices telling you about the hopelessness and impossibility of certain matters.
There were positive lessons nevertheless, which I shared during year end thanksgiving LG. I still hold on to 2 things: challenging myself to take steps of faith where required, and choosing to honour God (and He will honour us). I'm thankful for leaders and a mentor / shepherd who were patient with me in times when I can be quite a difficult person to bear with.
Was asked to prepare a testimony for church camp in India back in October, and spent the whole week cracking my head to no avail - until I was challenged that it need not necessarily be success stories, but lessons learnt and personal convictions (what I see in certain situations / believe God for). Thankful that it proved to be a great encouragement and eye opener to brothers and sisters in the camp. And I saw God's hand at work in opening doors for that trip - it was a season of frozen leaves due to postgraduate exams and lack of staff, but I made the decision to take a step of faith and book my flight in advance, then see how it goes. It was a miracle that my leave got approved 2 days before camp! Praise God :)
I don't consider myself the smartest of the lot among my colleagues - I do get scolded many times for mistakes and knowledge gaps. I'm not perfect, there were times when my emotions got the better of me (occasionally housemen bore the brunt of my outburst). God's grace was sufficient for me though, as I remind myself to just do my best in terms of work and maintain a right attitude (pray and ask God to guard my heart). I guess it came as a surprise when the marks I received from my supervisor consultant for performance evaluation turned out to be the highest so far throughout my time in the department.
MNC has been a refreshing time of reminding me that God desires that we continue to move forward and partner with Him to pioneer. Was inspired by stories of ordinary people who went out of their comfort zone to do outreach work in the rural areas of East Malaysia, as well as ex-comrades from Sunway Monash CF who went against the norm and made a difference in the education world.
As I leave 2015, 2016 shall be a year of 'More of God, less of me'. Also a new way of looking at and doing things. Not sure what lies ahead, but would like to believe that hope shall arise. Lord, help me to lay down my pride and preferences, and repent of things which do not glorify you - wish to experience you deeper and witness you doing great things that no one has ever imagined.