Thank you for visiting this page of mine. Indeed you are a very important person :-)
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Antibiotics..Happy memorising them..
Talk about memorising their functions :p lolz
exam 8 days away..
Sunday, May 28, 2006
3 lessons..
2. Thou shalt not impose thy expectations on others
3. Thou shalt not judge others
1. Hope Church. Surprising that Pastor Mark knew about my problems when he touched my head (i see a wallet, i think that implies financial problems..i would ask u 2 remain faithful n trust in Him to provide for you in your time of need..)
2 and 3. For some reason, I feel that i am becoming more and more of a self-inflicted perfectionist. A friend wasn't too happy that I made a joke about his smoking. Guess I had to learn more about other people's forms on stress release. Another friend pointed out to me that I seemed a bit discriminative towards such people. Come to think of it, I think I am. I mean, I tend to dislike people who do things which I feel are detrimental to their own health and harming others at the same time. In other words, I have little sympathy towards smokers, alcoholics who practise domestic violence, snatch theft deaths caused by drug addicts, people who got HIV/AIDS from multiple sexual partners, and still refuse to repent / have no remorse for their actions. But come to think of it, God made us all to be different in our own ways. Nobody is perfect (but perfection must be aimed for by trusing in God if we are to receive the coming blessing - Genesis 17:1-17). I guess I have no right to impose my judgement upon these people because I too make my own mistakes. (refer to Matthew 7:1-6) Furthermore, medical sociology and the Health Enhancement Program tells us about the various factors people resort to such measures...stresses at work places, position at the lower social class, measures they perceive to be effective so far (eg smoking), financial difficulties, cultural practices, lack of education etc. If we turn them away, who will help them?
Hippocratic Oath: In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves. (refer also to Matthew 9:12)
Incy Wincy Spider
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Houston, we got a problem..
prayer items in da month of May so far:
peace n calmness (after an emo charged week)
Chris 2 focus more time in studies
Jason 2 grow in Christian life
Rachel 2 get over her racist tutor's report
Sarah's CNS, EOS n PMS matching
somethin personal 4 tomorrow 22 may 2006
da weather? (freezing soon)
Monash doesn't abolish dissection next year
wat else ar? anybody out there wana add?
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Pathetic..fallen from grace..
I shared wif Jason bout how dis week i reached a point where i totally lost self-control of myself (yes, i know Arsenal lost, but dat wasn't it) study group is becoming redundant n non-productive, thanx 2 da group of %*#$@ ppl who were in 2 da point dat i had 2 make xtra effort n time 2 join another study group..(which was better) surprisingly da people in da former were da first few ppl i got 2 know during orientation week, which i used 2 had fun wif initially, which i thought 2 b potential good frens 4 many years 2 i haf been proven wrong..
1. SARCASM was da theme if da day, statements or points which i tried 2 put forward were corrected (i dun mind ppl pointing out my mistakes or offering constructive criticism) aka SHOT DOWN in sarcastic fashion (its true dat da tongue is sharper than da sword)..
2. LACK OF INTEREST, COMMITMENT N RESPECT. when i'm discussing sumthin dat i dun understand wif another group member, it would b good 2 listen even if u already know da facts, rather than chatting in mandarin bout playing badminton n various stuff which i would love not 2 gif a damn bout..arriving 30 minits late juz 2 go 4 lunch without prior notice is unacceptable by my standard..if u r gonna juz sit there n flip thru ur notes saying "Oh, i think dis is not important n no need 2 know / can go back n read urself, no need 2 discuss.." wats da purpose of a study group?
3. i thank God dat although i hate medical sociology, i'm finally enlightened bout its importance in future practice..its a pity dat sum ppl still haven't seen da light n totally dismissed it as absolute rubbish right in ur face..
these r da ppl who r goin 2 b future doctors? heck, i dun even wana think bout them as Monash graduates.. (sory 4 sounding judgmental here) problem is, their academic results r much better than mine.. mayb its coz of my procrastination..mayb i haf less time 2 study coz i go 4 taekwondo..mayb i mingle too much wif my hallmates..
so i took my own initiative n gathered resources: past year's exam papers, PCL compilations etc. all in da same of self-improvement..2 better myself over them..2 get even..
which is y i was upset when a year 2 student in my study group leaked out 2 them bout da source they can find those exam papers n notes from..
i'm tired..i'm sick of wat has transpired in da past 3 months..4 some reason i haf lost dat sense of connectedness wif them as da weeks progresses..
so much hatred n discontempt..Jason replied dat i shouldn't turn my studies into an idolatry..(i dun think i haf reached dat point yet) 1 Corinthians 6, 8, 10 - when u do things, there shd b 4 principles - whether its glorifying God, whether it will cause others 2 stumble, [4got dy da other 2] he said dat it seemed like i was trying 2 justify actions which r not right.. do not impose ur xpectations on wat u want other ppl 2 b, but let God b da judge..nobody tells u how 2 live ur life..he's right..true, forgiveness n eating humble pie needs 2 b learnt.. but wait a minit, is da situation as bad as it seems? or izit juz me being abit too sensitive..(aka can't tolerate da fun-poking..) i duno..
i remember da course coordinator said, "We want i guys 2 learn 2 work as a team." (Melbourne has tonens of prizes n awards n dean's lists, but Monash has none..or mayb later..) "So I asked u dis question, after all ur hard work studying, stressing, trampling every1 dat stands in ur way n ending up at da top of da pile, so wat then? Who is goin 2 b standing there wif u? What do u get?"
I juz dun get it..i used 2 b tolerant..i used 2 look on da bright side of things..wat has changed? As i look in2 da mirror, i realised dat i dun recognise da reflection on it..dis is no longer my cheerful, helpful, friendly self, who tries 2 do God's work..instead i c a selfish, wretched, sick, pathetic figure, stressed, tired, vengeful wif so much anger which hasn't been let go..4 da first time, i feel so wicked..wondering wat haf i become..
many things haf happened dis week..i'm sick n tired of it..i need a break..i need 2 clear my head.. i need 2 let go..juz let me be..
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Letdown..what next?

photo says it all..
time: 6.45 am
UEFA Champions League Final
Barcelona 2 - 1 Arsenal
played so well 4 more than an hour wif ony 10 men..(Lehmann - Germany no. 1 my $#@, oscar award 4 dive of da year goes 2 Eboue) n yet kena hammered in da last 15 minitz.. stupid referee..
sleepy, disappointed, practical class at 8am.. [sigh..]
moral of da story: u may not always get wat u want even though u haf worked hard 4 it..
was checking imucampus forum..chow, eve n kah heng resigned as SRC was a shame dat despite their contributions n stuff, it all has 2 end this way juz bcoz of da election controversy. i feel 4 them, since da very ppl they haf done so much work 4 has turn their backs on da SRC, all bcoz of claims of a fraudulent election..
honestly, i duno where society is headed towards in this modern era..we seemed obsessed wif things which..[i duno wat word 2 use]..ok, we complain, we sulk, we r pissed off when certain stuff doesn't meet our expectations..we want everything 2 b FAIR, JUST, EQUAL, WATEVER U NAME IT..wat does it all lead to? money n comfort / convenience / sense of worthiness..?we all want dat RM24,000 we pay IMU 2 b 'worth it' (i dowan 2 gif a bloody damn bout how hard ur mum or dad or uncle or auntie had 2 work 4 all dat crap coz i've heard enuf of it from my side..) we r not happy bout dis we protest, we r not happy bout dat we petition..we cry foul when certain injustices occur or we do not quite get wat we deserve, even though it can b resolved through tolerance..i duno wat has led 2 such a volatile n hostile situation in da world we live in 2day, but it's no surprise dat conflicts happen (ie war, protests etc.)
i wonder if there r still ppl (especially kampung folk) who practise tolerance, (ie if i wrong u unintentionally / make mistakes, it's ok, i dun long as u learn dun do it again etc.) mayb its da setting in which da mistakes were done..mayb its sumthing so important dat there is supposedly no room 4 error..maybs...
we r all greedy, gullible beings..i admit dat i used 2 b one..still am..i'm obsessed wif certs from ECA..i'm obsessed wif getting good marks in exams (dats y i find it hard 2 accept failure, i've never fail b4)..i admit dat i oso used 2 complain bout P Kumar n Hamiadji's lectures, da air- con, da size of IMU, da leaks, da watever b^&$*# u can think of..but then, didn't I survive IMU 1st sem? those were just minor setbacks..u can't expect everything 2 b smooth sailing n provided 4 u in life..wat God has provided 4 our needs does not seem 2 wat next? wat does da future hold? reflecting back 2 da moral of da story..
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Mum's the Word :-)

Church sermon for today: Mothers that Make a Difference (Proverbs 31:25-31)
1. A mother's courage (v25)
a) Courage for the sake of the family
- strength of character can bring great comfort to her children
b) Courage sourced from God
- Numbers 26:59, Exodus 2:1-3
2. A mother's wisdom (v26)
- A wise mother wisely instructs
- Proverbs 1:8, 12:18, 16:24
- Psalm 111:10
3. A mother's diligence (v27)
- does her best to make the most of limited time
4. A mother's effective role (v28-29)
- better to be effective in raising the family, than having a great career but a dysfunctional family
5. A mother's faith (v30)
- 2 Timothy 1:5
- How do we impart faith to our children?
- be a woman who teaches about God and His word
- be a woman of prayer
- Proverbs 22:6, Psalm 121:1-2
a poem written by 1 of my CG group members:
When God created the world in the first place
When he hung the stars up in space
When He made the land and the sea
Then He made you and me
He sat back and saw that all was good
All things to be as they should
Just one blessing He had in store
He created mothers
He knew a mother would have a special place
To shine His reflection on a child's face
A mother will walk the extra mile
Just to see her children smile
She'll work her finger to the bone
To make a house into a home
A mother is there to teach and guide
A mother will stay right by your side
A mother will lend a helping hand
'Til you have the strength to stand
A mother is one who listens well
She'll keep her word and never tell
A mother never boasts of pride
But stands quietly by your side
She'll be there through all pain and strife
She'll stay constant in your life
A mother is one who can be strong
When you need someone to lean on
Giving you the support you need
Encouraging you to succeed
She'll pick you up when you are down
When you need a friend she'll stick around
You're more than a mother to me
A reflection of Him in your face I see
A love that knows no boundaries
I'm glad you chose to be
All this and more for me
To share a love that knows no end
You're more than a mother, you're my friend
Happy Mother's Day^^
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Song of the Week 2

Rural Expo

Wow!! actually got da opportunity 2 get my hand plastered..(my fren did it on me, n i did it on a staff member :p) overall it was great fun, Monash has 4 regional clinical skools, all coming 2 promote themselves 4 rural placements..we also had clinical skills stations (pulmonary intubation, prostate examination, defibrillation, foreign body removal from the eye, birthing, sulturing n plastering of course!!) though its more suited 4 senior year students..great fun though :-)
^My plastered hand
Friday, May 12, 2006
CG Topic - What is My Business? (1 Samuel 17:32-40, Acts 13:36)
How do you define vision?
Vision = clear visual picture of the future
By this point in our lives, most of us have a vague idea of where we are headed in life. This is shaped by the course we have chosen to undertake in university. Where do we see ourselves 5 years from now? Accounting / finance / business students would probably see themselves working for a giant firm / company (hopefully)..medical students who would have graduated by then would probably see themselves slugging it out around the clock at hospitals. At the same time, do we know where we are headed in God? Many of us are excited for Jesus, but can we call ourselves people of vision as well?
Jesus, at the young age of 12, recognised and understood His purpose in life even though his parents did not. He knew what He was meant to do on this side of heaven.
Similarly, we too have a purpose - to fulfil the Great Commission. And God wants to use this in the business of His. However, are we being the person whom God can use today? Anyway, what is God looking for in a person?
Person of courage (v32)
- Are we willing to take risks?
- Ask some of the world's most successful people and they will tell you that they have taken risks at some point of what they do.
- What is real courage?
- A young bloke by the name of David is encouraging the king of Israel to overcome the enemy. Many are afraid of Goliath and were not willing to face him for the fear of him. David, on the other hand, have had many experiences of God's power delivering him from the attacks of the enemy. This was no different. Same God, same power to overcome.
2. True courage comes from knowing and experiencing God.
- When we want to fulfil a mission of planting churches, Satan will plant fear in our hearts to stop us in our tracks and may even paralyse us. You and I will be tested before God can use us to a great measure. These tests will tell us how courageous we are.
- One reason why David had courage is because he knew His God. He knew God intimately.
Person of faith (v33-35)
- The lack of faith hinders ministry.
- The lack of faith arises because of various reasons. It can be due to fear, insecurity, too high expectations, too many worries etc.
- We need to come back to a simple faith in God.
- David demonstrated great faith while a shepherd boy. Meanwhile, Saul belittled David and said that David will not be able to defeat Goliath. Saul trusted his weaponry while David trusted in God.
Person of Character (v38-39)
- People of character will not employ methodologies.
- God made us all different.
- 1 Samuel 17:38-39 illustrates how different Saul is from David. As Saul tried to duplicate himself in David, David refused and went on to fight the enemy in the only way he knew how - with sling and stones.
God has a great purpose for us. And He is looking to recruit ones who would make themselves available for His use. Let us endeavour to be the perfect candidate for God's business!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
u got 2 b k!dd!ng m3..chronology of an upsid3 down w33k
Tuesday - muttered sumthin stupid during ethics class in da name of participation..Our Professor of Pathology n Immunology is starting 2 turn in2 1 of da 2 ppl i would love 2 hate dis week..during final lecture, he went on covering 12 slides which were not on our notes (dis week we refer 2 notes ony, no recommended reading)..he refused 2 put it online n insisted we pay attention n do some further reading later rather than scribble down notes..WTF..
Wednesday - 2nd person i would love 2 hate, medical sociology head of department..we walked in2 lecture xpecting our usual set of lecture notes.
Her comments: i've been receiving some comments from da Arts n Humanities faculty dat their students do not receive any handouts. They listened attentively n ony jotted down stuff which they c fit..According 2 them, medical students r used 2 being spoonfed with notes n they juz go back n memorised da powerpoint i challenged dat theory by accepting a bet dat u guys can oso make good 2day u all wil haf 2 make 2 do wif foolscap paper n listening 2 wat i haf 2 say..(Note: wat has ur bet haf 2 do wif us students? i dun really care wat da Arts ppl say..juz coz of ur stupid bet our education has 2 suffer?!)
after 1 hour, hand pain trying 2 scribble down every single word dat comes out of her mouth, can't even read my own handwriting..
Thursday - practical class, fren's water bottle got confiscated by dat SAME pathology professor.. "Can't u all read wat i put up on da projector? no food n drinks can b brought in2 da lab..i can't believe u guys r actually ignoring da standard safety procedures as a professional bla bla bla..."next person who takes out a water bottle wil b asked 2 leave da class..(imagine ur Nike water bottle being chucked in2 da Yellow biohazard bin..) doesn't he haf da courtesy 2 politely ask ppl 2 put it away..i'm sure most ppl will's juz a water bottle..(fine, u might think dat i'm a bit biased n haf a problem wif authority here..watever..he might b right in wat he did, i juz felt da way he did it was a bit disrespectful) later he went around grilling ppl bout pathology questions which r not in ur notes (requires thinking..^#%^*)
hoho..tutorial last week got cancelled since my tutor got admitted 2 hospital wif epilepsy, so guess who was our tutor 2day..(yup, da same medical sociology head of department..) she's good in her teaching, but there's ony 3 things which i dun like bout her..
- if a lecture gets cancelled, she schedules 2 more lectures at 8am
- she uses too much examples in her teaching dat everybody felt it was irrelevant n felt asleep (aka telling too much grandfather stories)
- exam in 3 - 4 weeks (need 2 study), 2500-word assignment due at same time (haven't started), grading next week, study group fridays n on weekends, other tutorial groups r taking it easy n she is asking us 2 do a presentation on Vaccine Development for HIV?!!! (aka research journals n textbooks n internet) OMG...pengsan,..
Monday, May 08, 2006 the autumn wind blows...

Another morning..looking out my window, i c clouds in da forecast: possible showers..da chilly, howling winds disrupted my sleep 4 da past 3 nites..well, can't really do much bout da weather since it's approaching winter (yes it's in Gods' control, yes it's approaching winter, no i'm not writing English literature..) strolling past da football field, i c thousands of birds, white in colour..hmm..either they r migrating or it's da mating season..such a magnificent site (shd put a photo of it next time when i edit dis post..) b4 hurrying 2 class, took dat short moment 2 admiring da fact dat He has indeed made everything beautiful in its time..
classes 2day was pretty free..1 PCL n 1 lecture..then go back n sleep..(kiddingz..need 2 study 4 upcoming exam..) b4 lecture, Fansisca and I were chatting about da research we had 2 do about da constitution of various organisations (ie MUMUS, WILDFIRE, AMSA, other MEDSOCS..i was thinking mayb IMU SRC?) despite looming exams..
"If possible, I would like 2 bcome da KL-JB rep 4 Monash Malaysia Med society.." I could c da enthusiasm n excitement in her eyes..I replied, "But we haven't even drawn up da constitution yet..we dun even know wat post will b much time do we haf 2 do it b4 exams? When does Anna want it?"
"I duno. but it would b nice..i dun mind travelling between KL and JB, lialsing wif da clinical year sudents.."
I joked wif her bout petrol prices goin up n she said da faculty would probably haf 2 allow her 2 claim lar.."Otherwise u swim there lor.." lolz
i guess there's a thing or 2 to learn from her confidence..
"Wat bout u Gary? r u goin 4 any posts?" she asked.. Mau Ren and Alex looked at me, eager 2 know as well..Mr Poh declined 2 b involved..
"Err..see 1st lar.." was my reply..
Honestly, it's worth a shot, since it's a once in a lifetime opportunity.. however, gone were da yesteryears when i was xtremely hyper bout being a committee member 4 numerous clubs..i realised dat dat would do not much good (try too hard boosting ur CV n ur studies suffer, as i haf learnt da hard way in da past..).. sick of it dy..
then again, i paused 4 a moment 2 think..wat does God want me 2 b? does He condone my intentions? i remember praying 2 b somehow involved in MUMUS i am, helping a friend 2 set it up and looking up stuff, but how far should i go?
helping 2 draw up da constitution 4 a club is one thing..running 4 election is another.. elections..i'm sum1 who xpresses myself better in writing, not speaking..(aka PR skills not so good..) one thing i dun like bout elections is dat popularity contest comes in2 play (aka talking ppl in2 voting 4 u n having better rapport wif more ppl matters)..u may b doin a lot of work n contribution but if da ppl duno u or dun like u they wont vote 4 u.. (not 2 say i dun haf confidence, i'm juz bringing up things which i may haf 2 overcome)..oso, wif da way da Monash course is structured (unlike ur '2 lectures a day then go home' system at IMU) being a rep MIGHT mean triple da workload,quadruple da stress n less time..
less time, might argue dat it may force me in2 organising my time better (since i procrastinate) but 2 wat extent..i was amazed when I read Ivy's blog..taking things one step at a time n njoying da pre-clinical years, rather than ending up wif little time 4 frens, 4 sports, movies, mamak, even CF n God..sometimes in life we need 2 learn 2 let go of certain things, makes me ponder whether some things which i would like 2 do is really worth doin..(i know we ony live once)
looking back at da past 5 months, i believe God put me in Monash 4 a reason..i juz duno wat it is..i haf been truly blessed wif a proper campus (beautiful scenery)..a wonderful course (though hectic n contains less anatomy than i would haf liked)..wonderful CG members..wonderful city (Melbourne is near Clayton)..
The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood,
and I—I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
(i know..our SPM poem)..I juz realised how quickly time flies by..Things haf certainly changed (there were ups and downs) in da past few months or so..frens during orientation seemed not so close anymore in da present 4 sum unknown has piled up..exams, assignment deadline n taekwondo grading coming up.. frens haf been mostly international students (which r not many) rather than 'ang moh's..
when i go back 2 Malaysia, my present CG n da sights n sounds of Melbourne will b left behind as a distant memory..despite it probably being His calling, i sumtimes wondered whether i made da right step in goin 2 Monash..wat would haf happened haf i had stayed back at IMU..looking back at da fond memories of IMU, i seriously do envy u guys..nice pictures posted by all ex-fellow batchmates, from birthday celebrations 2 orientation 2 Mount Kinabalu 2 CF camp..can't really describe da bond u guys share..wondered wat else haf i missed..
I miss da apartments of Vista B Tower, i miss da view of Bukit Jalil stadium from my balcony, i miss my fellow housemates Shiva, Ernie, Song, Shan Jie n Chin, i miss da pak cik's nasi lemak in front of IMU every morning, i miss jogging n treasure hunt at da lake, i miss IMU CF N CG at Sarah's place, i miss taekwondo training, i miss da times when me, Renard, Joven, Kah Wei, Ning n other pharmacy ppl used 2 haf a gathering (order dinner from Happy Cook)..
back 2 da earlier post, wouldn't it b nice 2 b a bird roaming in a large field wif thousands of other birds..wif little worries..well, i guess i'll leave it all 2 God 2 chart what lies in the path ahead..
Proverbs 3:5
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."
Philippians 4:13
“I can do everything through Him who gives me strength”
guess i've done enuf crapping..time 2 get back 2 work..
good luck 2 all M205 ppl running 4 SRC elections..
Saturday, May 06, 2006
What the heck is da Med faculty thinking??!! - Part 2
Medical students fail basic anatomy
Adam Cresswell, Health editor, The Australian
May 06, 2006
TEACHING of basic anatomy in Australia's medical schools is so inadequate that students are increasingly unable to locate important body parts - and in some cases even confuse one vital organ with another.
Senior doctors claim teaching hours for anatomy have been slashed by 80per cent in some medical schools to make way for "touchy-feely" subjects such as "cultural sensitivity", communication and ethics. The time devoted to other basic sciences - including biochemistry, physiology and pathology - has also been reduced.
Several senior consultants have told The Weekend Australian they have been "horrified" to encounter final-year medical students who do not know where the prostate gland is, or what a healthy liver feels like.
When asked by a cardiac surgeon during a live operation to identify a part of the heart that he was pointing to, one group of final-year students thought it was the patient's liver.
A coalition of senior doctors appealed this week to the federal Government to step in, claiming public safety was at stake and that national benchmarks for teaching the basic medical sciences were urgently needed.
The Australian Doctors Fund lodged a 70-page submission with the federal Department of Education, Science and Training this week, listing arguments from more than two dozen professors, consultants and medical academics for a rethink on medical education.
The document warned of a "rising chorus of concern across the medical profession" that students were not getting "exposure to the necessary amount of training in anatomy" and other key sciences.
The heads of Australia's medical schools fiercely contest the criticisms, saying there has been an "explosion" of medical knowledge that doctors need to know, in fields such as genetics and new drugs, and that other areas have to be cut to accommodate the newer topics. They also strenuously deny that they are turning out inadequately trained doctors.
But many students are also unhappy about core science training. One group of students wrote anonymously to two noted academics last year, saying they were "sick of being asked, 'Didn't you study anatomy?"' by consultants amazed by the gaps in their knowledge.
"How can we learn if we are not taught the basics?" they wrote.
One of the two recipients of the letter, Barry Oakes, a former anatomy teacher at Monash University, said part of the problem was the "fads and trends" now current in medical education, and that students were "not taught where the body parts are - they are not even taught the organisation of the nervous system".
"We will be turning out Dr Deaths out of our own medical schools," he said. "They (doctors) won't be competent to manage patients ... it's just appalling.
"It's part of the new educational dictums - 'don't put any stress on them (students) ... it doesn't matter if they don't know anything'."
Associate Professor Oakes plans to provide voluntary anatomy lessons for Monash students.
Michael Gardner, 22, a fifth-year medical student at Monash, said that when he posted this fact on a student discussion board last year, 60 out of the 200 students in the year expressed interest in attending.
"I think probably the old curriculum had too much emphasis on anatomy, but the new course has probably swung a little bit too far in the other direction," he said.
"If you are assessing (a patient) who has had a stroke, if you do not have a good knowledge of the different parts of the brain, it can be difficult to assess which parts have been compromised and what treatment is warranted."
The criticisms of teaching methods are fiercely contested by the heads of Australia's 17 medical schools. Lindon Wing, chairman of the Committee of Deans of Australian Medical Schools, dismissed the examples of student ignorance as anecdotal and said the attacks stemmed from a "clash of cultures" within the profession.
"It's the difference between people who have been brought up (through medical school) in a certain way, and want it to stay that way, and the people who are leading a revolution," Professor Wing said. "I have never seen any evidence ... in any of our disciplines that would show we are deficient."
Ed Byrne, dean of medical, nursing and health sciences at Monash University, said his university's teaching was "superb" and said a redesigned medical course would graduate its first doctors this year.
Although the amount of anatomy teaching had been cut from "several hundred" hours a few years ago to about 100 hours now, this had been matched by many new and better methods for teaching the subject.
"We now teach anatomy in a more sophisticated way, using electronic models, images such as X-rays and MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging)," Professor Byrne said. "The fact that we have to reduce some of the things we taught in the past to make way for new areas of knowledge is a worldwide tendency."
Nick Lee, 22, is a fourth-year medical student at the University of NSW, and was part of the university's last intake before the course was remodelled.
"I prefer the old method because that prepares us before we enter the hospitals," he said.
MUMUS will be organising a session 4 students 2 find out wat da faculty is planning 4 next year..we already haf less anatomy hours than da pre-2002 batch..if its true wat the rumours r, (refer 2 Med curriculum meeting post), then sumthing needs 2 b done, coz dis year, apathy is not an option..
What da heck is the Med faculty thinking??!! - Part 1
At the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting earlier this year, it was decided to increase the cap on full-fee medicine places from 10 per cent to 25 per cent, as a supposed method of dealing with the shortage of doctors in rural areas. We recently received confirmation that Monash University will be increasing its full-fees places in the medical course to the 25 per cent maximum. The AMSA, Monash Student Association, Wildfire and Melbourne University Student Union are disappointed with this decision for the following reasons:
There is no evidence or valid rationale for the introduction of full-fee places to address Australia's current workforce maldistribution. There is evidence, however, that debt strongly influences the specialties and locations in which graduates work. Graduating with debt also has an impact on personal choices (decisions to start a family, buy a house) and increases their levels of stress.
Increasing student numbers once again could potentially impact upon the quality of our training unless other measures are also adopted. This position is echoed by the Australian Medical Association (AMA). Recent research undertaken at Monash University and published in the Medical Journal of Australia argues that the massive hike in student numbers in recent years is not a viable solution to the workforce maldistribution in the long-term.
Investing in Commonwealth-Supported Places rather than more full-fee places opens the study of medicine to a larger and more diverse pool of students. This is a far more equitable approach to selecting our future medical workforce.
‘The Vice Chancellor (Richard Larkins) assures us that this is about addressing shortages in the medical workforce, but we know from the evidence that fees and debt are strong disincentives for graduates to enter specialties and locations that are short of doctors,’ Ms Cosgriff said. ‘Rural general practice will continue to face shortages.’‘Monash University was recently granted 40 Commonwealth-Supported Places in the most recent allocation. CSPs remain a far more equitable approach to selecting our future medical workforce,’ Ms Cosgriff said. ‘The university’s priority should not be the creation of new full-fee places. Rather, it needs to invest in ensuring that these new places are sufficiently resourced and supervised.‘Is this merely an attempt by Monash University to increase its revenue? If so, then we must not kid ourselves that it is acting with nobler objectives in mind.’An online petition has been set up and students are encouraged to send a message to Monash Vice Chancellor, Richard Larkins, voicing their concerns about the increase in full-fee places. The website will be operational from Friday 5 May.

Steamboat in xperience in Autumn (n winter) using rice cooker..i dread waking up early 2 go Brandon Park Shopping Centre 2 buy da groceries..preparation was time-consuming, but overall a wonderful first time experience..had couple of laughs..Vivian despite being da latecomer of 45 minits became our DBKL..n there's always an idiot who juz had 2 find ways ruin a nice photo..lolz
Photo from left: Chan Wen, Chun Wei, me in yellow, Vivian, Erwin and JJ..
Easter Reflections

Easter Egg symbolises life..
Cute little Easter Bunny symbolises arrival of spring, which in turn symbolises new life..
Friday, May 05, 2006
The Believer's Victorious Life

2day's CG topic..addresses my problems..praise God 4 da msg after my outburst yesterday..
Have you ever gotten up in the morning and just felt like crawling back into bed because you just can't bear to face another day?
Have you ever felt that everything in life is just going wrong?
Have you ever felt that there was no way to see the light at the end of the tunnel?
Jesus promised to give us life, and life to the full (John 10:10), but He also warned us of trials we would face as believers. (1 Corinthians 10:13). These are placed in our paths to build us up and strengthen us. (Remember, in that beautiful rose bed, there are thorns, but however, the roses need the thorns to survive as well.)
Refer Hebrews 10:19
When we become children of God, we are also enlisted in His army. There will always be spiritual warfare in our lives as believers as the devil wants to draw us away from God. However, we need to remember that the keys to victory have already been given to us in the form of our relationship with Jesus Christ.
Defeating the Devil
Ephesians 6:10-18
The Armor of God
1. Dependence in God (v10)
1.1 Our strength is fully dependent on God. God expects us to give our all (100%) - living sacrifice...
1.2 The ability to tap into the strength of God comes from redemption that is found in Christ.
1.3 To receive the power of redemption, we need to repent of our sins and confess that Jesus is Lord. Sometimes we as humans think too higly of ourselves, failing to realise that everything we see or experience today is all by His glory.
1.4 Genuine confessions from the heart have the power to transform our lives.
So why do we then often fail to attain victory in our lives?
1.5 Unconfessed sin which has always separated man from God, since God is so holy that he can't bear sin. This unconfessed sin builds up very quickly (eg. unforgiveness leading to hatred, or you are more likely to tell consecutive lies if u can get away with it)
1.6 Unwillingness to give it all to God.
1.7 Reliance on our own strength.
2. Different Levels of Battle (v11-12)
We need to come to the understanding that the captain and commander in chief of the army is Jesus. We as soldiers in the army fight the battle to a certain degree, but at a different level, the battle belongs to the Lord.
Refer Ephesians 6:12
So how do we fight? Battle tips:
2.1 The battle is not against the tangible things of the world. Many a time, when we have a disagreement with a fellow brother or sister in Christ, we need to come to understand that the enemy is not our fellow believer in Christ but actually the devil trying to stir up strife in the ranks of God's army.
2.2 Many a time, we need to hand the battle over to God.
2.3 We need to be in unity (Ephesians 4:1-24)
2.4 We need to walk in love (Ephesians 5:1-7)
2.5 We need to be people who live in the light (Ephesians 5:8-14)
2.6 We need to be people of wisdom (Ephesians 5:15-21)
2.7 We need to be people who can submit to the commands of God (Ephesians 5:22-6:9)
2.8 We must learn to seek wise counsel (Ephesians 6:13)
3. Designer Armor for Permanent Wear
People of the world today spend thousands of dollars on clothes in order to keep up with fashion trends and to look good. Just like the things of the world, no matter how much we may spend on an outfit (your Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton etc), it will wear out. However, God has designed a suit of armor that will protect us in any battle all through our lives.
As soldiers in constant battle, we need to learn to be on guard at all times.
We need to see that God has equipped us to be victorious in battle. The victory was already won when Jesus died on the cross for our sins. That day, the enemy knew he was defeated, but that has not stopped him from desirong to gather more souls for himself. The way we can claim Christ's victory for our own is to come alongside with God and lift teh battles of our lives up to Him.
Monash Malaysia Medical Curriculum Development Meeting
3 newly hired lecturers from Monash Malaysia (imported from UM) came 2 da Centre 4 Medical n Health Sciences Education (CMHSE ) 2 obtain feedback bout da medical course (ie suggestions n concerns of da students)..meeting took place at 5 pm in Room 105, CMHSE..
Outcomes of meetings (aka issues students brought up..)
- Contents of Health, Knowledge & Society (Medical Sociology, Theme 2) module should be more relevant 2 Malaysian context..(Example: 4 Perspectives on Position & Discrimination based on Social Class, Australia has a prominent example in da form of La Trobe Valley asbestosis / mesothelioma patients..Malaysia mayb do sumthin like diseases due 2 contaminated water resulting from toxic waste from some negligent factory bla bla bla..etc) Dr Aroni wil come 2 Malaysia n interview ppl (eg kampung folks, Drs, Malaysian AIDS Council President) 2 find out how 2 tailor da syllabus 2 suit our needs..
- Both Malaysian n Australian medical law will b taught..
- Exams will b more relevant 2 Malaysian context..
- Anatomy..A few years ago, Monash tried 2 abolish dissection, but it was met wif resistance as students petitioned against da move, so they called it off..but they still had da last laugh by reducing da number of hours spent on anatomy..Dis year, rumours has it dat da med faculty ppl r determined 2 do it again n replace it wif prosection..anatomy learning hours might b reduced even further (we r already currently at 100 hours per year, used 2 b 250 hours)..more learning wif reference 2 potted specimens, computer-aided learning n models.. Suspected reasons: a) Monash medical faculty is probably run by socialists n da dean is a physician, so mayb importance of anatomy not deeply appreciated. b) Da perception dat anatomy is not really dat important (u spent so much time learning how 2 cut up dead bodies in ur 2nd year, but when u r in hospital dy later u would b so bz wif mostly clinical stuff dat u would haf 4gotten ur dissection skills n stuff da question which arose is dat, 'Is it time worth spending?' c) Rumour has it dat since many medical students today r suffering from burnout in later years, Craig Hassed n Ken Jones wanted 2 include more stuff from theme 1 and 2 (medical sociology, lifestyle n stress management program aka meditation, exercise n healthy nutrition) d) Cost: 1 cadaver costs between AUD6000 - 20,000... Response from da Drs: they need 2 seek clarification..if da worse case happens, we persuaded them 2 at least haf 1 or 2 cadavers 4 observation purposes plus touch n feel..was informed dat we might b importing plastinated bodies from China..
- Everybody agreed dat Health Enhancement Program is fun n should b continued..
- Somebody suggested PFE (aka pub outings as da locals here do)
- Timetable 2 b better structured 4 convenience (we protested dat we haf 2 stay back so late 4 lectures due 2 logistics problems when our day could haf finished earlier..)..Monash Malaysia medical students will be getting a custom-made 166 seating capacity state of da art lecture theatre all 4 nobody else but ourselves, muahahahah...
- Opportunities 4 Australian students 2 study wat we study in Malaysia.. (aka cross-cultural exchange)
- Language barriers 4 international students n 4 'banana' like myself..especially when goin 4 rural students mayb required 2 do an introductory course in BM..translator or a student who knows BM or orang asli dialects may b paired 2 an international student who doesn't..
- 2 ensure program is up 2 standard, Clayton lecturers will come over from time 2 time..
- Teleconferencing will not b done now i terms of lecture delivery but mayb considered 4 future use in other areas..
- Students were concerned bout patient contact how many patients we get 2 c, take history n what procedures we can / cannot do.. Drs response: in Australia few patients, but many doctors, so most students will b hunting down patients in large groups dat patients get fed up n doctors n nurses kena scolded (eg. Student: woi, here got patient wif Cushing's disease leh..every 1 wil b running n packing da ward juz 2 say hi) Malaysia, many patients, few doctors..Hospital Sultanah Aminah JB has 1000 dat wif 50 of us..every1 gets bout 20 patients each n da whole hospital 2 ourselves 2 roam in without UM, UKM or IMU students..yeah!! (other smaller hospitals 2 b used as teaching locations include Kulai, Pontian n Segamat..)
- Accomodation in hospitals: Provided (may not b FOC)..basically Eat hospital, sleep hospital, everything hospital..
- Students r urged 2 form a representative group 2 ensure student support n academic needs r well-taken care of..
- AMC staff will be visiting Sunway 2 evaluate 4 accreditation purposes. once AMA grants accreditation, MMC will follow suit.. let's keep our fingers crossed :-)
Meeting ended at 6.15pm wif Photo session..Drs actually commented last time during Q&A sumbody asked them whether da clinical skool library wil contain if they were being asked 2 study medicine on treetops n dissect monkeys..
Thursday, May 04, 2006
U had a bad day..
what a day..spent da hold of last nite doin research 4 a difficult tutorial (cancer..need 2 research in terms of pathology, physiology n clinical) ony 2 find out dat not much of it is used at da end of da day when ur tutor covered everything..
btw, got a fun tutor..Dr Saif Chopra (pronounced 'safe') from Zanzibar, Tanzania..(background check: war refugee escaping from Kenya, granted asylum n scholarship by Australian government, MBBS, postgrad London, teaching pathology for 40 years dy, 10 years in Monash..) seriously if u were 2 listen 2 his accent u would ROTFL..words can't really describe him..wonderful motivational speaker..thank God 4 him..
then comes da bad part..not enuf time 2 do enuf read-up (lecture notes this week r super long).hence little class participation, felt inferior..forced myself 2 crap after some advice from a 3rd year med student who suggested more participation is necessary 4 high tutor score which is then essential 4 applying 4 internship in Australia..
lots of things weighing on my head group tmr haven't done read-up in detail yet..exam n 2500-word assignment due in 5 weeks time; need 2 start preparing now..taekwondo grading in 2's in a mess..need 2 do research on MUMUS (aka constitution, structure, posts n roles n how 2 get sponsorship, which nobody in imucampus seems 2 know how 2 go about) coz helping fren 2 set up Monash Malaysia Medical Undergraduate Society, n 2 cap it all off, got a heated scolding from dad..i duno wat da heck was his problem..he asked me 2 post back my sem 1 notes which r not needed..i replied dat i can't coz end of year exam oso need 2 revise (in case u duno, Monash exam is vertical-integrated assessment, meaning u can b tested on sem 1 stuff in year 5..) mayb it's da way i replied..(how 2 post back? end of year exam how 2 study?)..kena terus..then went on 2 scold bout when my exam results r out (he thinks i'm lying 2 cover up i did badly), dun simply spend money lavishly like some rich kid..(heck, i'm already cutting down on breakfast n i couldn't go AMSA Perth convention coz no ppl 2 accompany me plus no $$ 4 plane tiket, wat does he expect me 2 do? eat instant noodles n bread everyday..?!!) fortunately didnt mention during Easter camp at Great Ocean Road, specs fell in2 river while canoeing, never 2 b found, spent AUD 400 2 make new one, if tell sure kena xtremely teruk wan.. mood 2 do work dy after losing my temper..sleep..
Song of the Week

My life is brilliant.
My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
F*#ing high, And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.
Na na na na na...
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,I will never be with you.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Carry Me

darn..2 days dy website down.. boring lar.. CHOW DO SUMTHING!! hehe :p miserably low on cash (aka broke) n my rental invoice came 2day..AUD 603.56??!! wahlau..internet bill AUD 10.30.. i didnt go MSN or download movies oso..(must b da addiction 2 local newspapers n therefore being pokai oso means not being able 2 go 2 AMSA Developing World Seminar in Perth..well, mayb i got things 2 look forward 2..(follow cousin 2 Gold Coast in June, volunteer 4 Orientation in July: free T-shirt n cert i like..!) taekwondo 2day another half-dead physical warm up session (think i pulled da muscle connected 2 my anal sphincter, ouch..trouble walking properly) grading in 2 weeks, hopefully can pass, (if not malu ler wana balik Malaysia..) probably can oso die..found out da identity of tkdwhizz dy (imucampus forum member who no longer logs on 2 it)..Name: Rebecca Lim.. Nationality: Singaporean..(suspicions confirmed when i saw her walloping her fren wif tkd moves) she doesn't know me but i know what she looks like.. (if i remember correctly, i guess she is probably what u get when u cross Eve n May Kuan lolz..duno ler..may get a better look if bump in2 her next time, but come 2 think of it..mayb not in case being misunderstood as stalking) While browsing through the display of posters in the Campus Centre, there was one poster of a beach wif da following quote that caught my eye:
"One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; one belonging to him, and the other to the Lord. "When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life."This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. 'Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most, you would leave me.'"The Lord replied, 'My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.'"
Monday, May 01, 2006
A day in da life of Gary Leong Wei Kean on a weekday
8.00 am - alarm clock rings..darn..must b da after effects of sleeping late after steamboat n playing cards..looked at timetable 2 realise dat PCL is at 10am.. go back 2 sleep..
8.30 am - got up n listened 2 my mp3 player 4 a few minits..
8.40 am - wash up n constipated in toilet 4 20 minits..
9.00 am - looks 4 Arsenal jersey (proud supporter of da Gunners..hopes they beat Barcelona..Tottenham sux..)
9.01 am - found it.darn, its torn abit on da left shoulder (moral: do not buy imitation products..although i must say 4 rm 35 it looks n feels 99% real..)
9.05 am - collects laundry from where's da other pair of socks..
9.07 am - looks outside da seems cloudy..showers forecasted 4 next 3 days..
9.10 am - dresses up, packs bag..
9.20 am - couldn't find stapler 2 open my stapled cornflakes (darn..shouldn't haf stapled it..couldn't find rubber band then..)
9.22 am - breakfast at mess hall
9.45 am - 4got 2 bring water bottle..lift stuck at 11th floor..impatience takes over..runs up 2 4th floor..
9.52 am - runs 2 class (takes at least 20 minits..)
10.10 am - arrives at class..O2..O2..spots da Asafa Powell pose..
10.52 am - accidentally raised hand while stretching my arms..tutor implied i volounteered 2 do topic on 'How effective are the modalities of surgery, radiotherapy n chemotherapy in cancer treatment?'..class laughed at me..felt stupid..
11.02 am - Alex turned down invitation 2 go 2 AMSA Developing World Seminar in Perth.there goes my CV n chance 2 go Western Australia..
11.20 am - early lunch at Grain Xpress. Fried rice wif lemon chicken..
11.35 am - noticed poster exhibition..went 2 haf a poster caught my eye: Periodic Table of Sex..digs in2 wallet...AUD 5...not enuf..AUD 20: new n crisp notes dowan 2 use.. decides 2 ony buy tmr..
11.55 am - rushes off 2 lecture..Embryonic Development n Differentiation..
12.55 am - boring lecture..almost fell asleep (or mayb it was da tiredness)..stands near da professor who gave da lecture n pretend 2 look interested as other ppl asked questions..
1.01 pm - visit 2 CMHSE..nicest toilets ever seen at Monash. noticed an eye-catching poster on Macbeth by Drama n Theatre Society behind da door of da cubicle. Now u c it, now u don't..
1.06 pm - Theme 2 Stakeholders Tutorial at Science Building 5 minits walk away..
1.15 pm - asbestosis patient 'fong fei kei' (fail 2 show up)..joins wif another NGO activist as stakeholder..felt sleepy, spent da next hour staring blankly at him as ppl fire questions at him..
2.50 pm - tutorial ends..heads 4 another lecture..darn..its raining..
2.51 pm - changes track from 'Rain Drops r Falling on my Head' (Forrest Gump) to 'Rain Down' (Planetshakers)..
3.00 pm - lecture: Intracellular signalling - Taking control of cell proliferation
3.55 pm - lecture over..was half-asleep oso..rushes off 2 taekwondo..
4.05 pm - got changed..decided 2 ignore an arrogant-looking white belt fella who doesn't like me coz da syllabus here is different than IMU..stuf he knows i duno..haf 2 learn..
6.00 pm - training finish.wasn't too hectic..feeling optimistic bout grading in 2 weeks time..
6.02 pm - walked back 2 Halls of Residence..stopped raining..feels cold..6pm n its already pitch dark..gust of autumn wind follows..
6.15 pm - chatted over dinner wif Denver, didn't c him 4 long time dy..he invited me 2 his church Worship Nite..told him i wil think it over..promised 2 help him buy Planetshakers' latest album 'Arise'..
6.40 pm - we saw Raimie..studying 4 his appointment wif his psychiatrist da next day..decided 2 disturb him..
6.55 pm - when asked, didn't know da meaning of da word 'masturbate' laughed at (true or pure innocence?)..felt stupid once again...
7.00 pm - returned 2 room..noticed dat rooms is messy (aka like after tsunami..remembered mummy said i'm 20 dy..vowed 2 clean up during weekend)
7.15 pm - bath..
7.16 pm - darn, 4got da towel..
7.20 pm - damn...mp3 player earphones spoiled dy..need 2 buy new one dis weekend..
7.45 pm - chatted wif frens in kitchen..
8.15 pm - checked
8.35 pm - finish wif dis post..go do work..