photo says it all..
time: 6.45 am
UEFA Champions League Final
Barcelona 2 - 1 Arsenal
played so well 4 more than an hour wif ony 10 men..(Lehmann - Germany no. 1 my $#@, oscar award 4 dive of da year goes 2 Eboue) n yet kena hammered in da last 15 minitz.. stupid referee..
sleepy, disappointed, practical class at 8am.. [sigh..]
moral of da story: u may not always get wat u want even though u haf worked hard 4 it..
was checking imucampus forum..chow, eve n kah heng resigned as SRC members..it was a shame dat despite their contributions n stuff, it all has 2 end this way juz bcoz of da election controversy. i feel 4 them, since da very ppl they haf done so much work 4 has turn their backs on da SRC, all bcoz of claims of a fraudulent election..
honestly, i duno where society is headed towards in this modern era..we seemed obsessed wif things which..[i duno wat word 2 use]..ok, we complain, we sulk, we r pissed off when certain stuff doesn't meet our expectations..we want everything 2 b FAIR, JUST, EQUAL, WATEVER U NAME IT..wat does it all lead to? money n comfort / convenience / sense of worthiness..?we all want dat RM24,000 we pay IMU 2 b 'worth it' (i dowan 2 gif a bloody damn bout how hard ur mum or dad or uncle or auntie had 2 work 4 all dat crap coz i've heard enuf of it from my side..) we r not happy bout dis we protest, we r not happy bout dat we petition..we cry foul when certain injustices occur or we do not quite get wat we deserve, even though it can b resolved through tolerance..i duno wat has led 2 such a volatile n hostile situation in da world we live in 2day, but it's no surprise dat conflicts happen (ie war, protests etc.)
i wonder if there r still ppl (especially kampung folk) who practise tolerance, (ie if i wrong u unintentionally / make mistakes, it's ok, i dun mind..as long as u learn dun do it again etc.) mayb its da setting in which da mistakes were done..mayb its sumthing so important dat there is supposedly no room 4 error..maybs...
we r all greedy, gullible beings..i admit dat i used 2 b one..still am..i'm obsessed wif certs from ECA..i'm obsessed wif getting good marks in exams (dats y i find it hard 2 accept failure, i've never fail b4)..i admit dat i oso used 2 complain bout P Kumar n Hamiadji's lectures, da air- con, da size of IMU, da leaks, da watever b^&$*# u can think of..but then, didn't I survive IMU 1st sem? those were just minor setbacks..u can't expect everything 2 b smooth sailing n provided 4 u in life..wat God has provided 4 our needs does not seem 2 suffice..so wat next? wat does da future hold? reflecting back 2 da moral of da story..
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