Slept at 1am, woke up at 5.30 am staring at the ceiling, stoning.. duno what 2 do.. tried 2 sleep back, but then it was freezing 4 some unknown reason..
Ok lar.. this is it so I thought, since we did not have much time 2 practice due 2 work overload, juz go in and c how..
Station 4 - Urinary system. Look at the patient and wondered how come so familiar wan? Then when patient looked up, turned out 2 b
Shu Yi.. Didnt know how to proceed with the history coz patient was in super alot of pain.. only managed 2 reach family history..
Station 8 - Haematology station, explaining blood test results to patient (iron deficiency anaemia):
Patient: Ok, so what is this ferritin and iron saturation ar?
Me: Erm..
*stoning.. why does 8 minutes take so long to pass by - ended up simply crapping sumthing*
Patient: So what do you suggest I do ar coz I've been feeling very tired leh..
Me: Erm.. take iron tablets?
Patient: but i live in rural area leh.. my family is poor and husband busy, I have to look after the 3 kids..
Me: Erm.. do u take red meat (ie beef)?
Patient: No. Expensive..
Me: Erm,
mayb u can try green leafy vegetables?? got non-heme iron kua..
Patient: *blank look on the face*
Station 10 - Cranial nerves of the eye
Me: Hmm.. looks like easy station..
*walks in, looks at simulated patient*
*heart stopped 4 a moment and immediately suffered mental block - somehow bitemporal hemianopia became bilateral hemianopia and the medial retina fibres which cross at the optic chiasm became temporal fibres.. pfft*
Note: Now u know y doctors r discouraged from treating their own relatives or friends, as it may affect their objectivity.
Station 11 - Respiratory station:
Me (running out the door after the station): Wait, what is this around my neck? This does not look like mine.
Examiner: Ya, come back with my stethoscope!!
Throbbing headache after OSCE.. went back home 2 sleep but couldn't. ended up stoning in bed, staring at the ceiling 4 more than an hour..