3rd week of 2nd semester.. Going for a 1 week rural placement on Sunday to Rawson village (ie somewhere in the Victorian Alps in the middle of nowhere..) with the other 43 Monash Malaysia students. Food and accomodation provided (syok lar, no need to buy food or cook).. Will be back next Friday.. still contemplating whether to go for ski trip on Saturday (day after coming back from Rawson.. leaving at 5 am.. siao.. somemore not many of my CG people going also..)
Til then, snow; here I come!! :-) whoopee!! (should be posting some photos of snow when I get back)
Thank you for visiting this page of mine. Indeed you are a very important person :-)
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Pictures of Brisbane in a day Part 1 - Chinatown (better than Melbourne's)
Horse Joke
This joke was shared by Pastor Prayuth during a session with the Hope Church Bangkok Worship Team.
Once upon a time, there was a farmer who owns a fine, white horse. Unfortunately, he had to sell it because he is moving to another town. Before he left, he told the man whom he sold the horse to, "This horse is a very special horse. It can run as fast as the wind. But it is strange because it only responds to two commands. If you want to make run, you have to say "Praise the Lord!" But if you want to make it stop, you will have to say "Amen". "
The farmer left for town, and the new owner of the horse was eager to have a ride on it to see how good does it feel. He got on the horse, kicked it and shouted "Praise the Lord!!" the horse took off galloping. As he was feeling excited due to his adrenaline rush, he shouted "Praise the Lord!!" a few more times, and the horse galloped even faster. Then, all of a sudden, he saw the edge of the cliff not too far in front of him. The path they were on was coming to a dead end. He panicked and kept on pulling the leash and and shouting for the horse to stop, but it did not respond. Then, the man realised what the farmer had told him, and shouted, "Amen!!" The horse came to a screeching halt just a few inches at the edge of the cliff. The man heaved a sigh of relief, "Ah... that was close.. Phew! Praise the Lord.."
Once upon a time, there was a farmer who owns a fine, white horse. Unfortunately, he had to sell it because he is moving to another town. Before he left, he told the man whom he sold the horse to, "This horse is a very special horse. It can run as fast as the wind. But it is strange because it only responds to two commands. If you want to make run, you have to say "Praise the Lord!" But if you want to make it stop, you will have to say "Amen". "
The farmer left for town, and the new owner of the horse was eager to have a ride on it to see how good does it feel. He got on the horse, kicked it and shouted "Praise the Lord!!" the horse took off galloping. As he was feeling excited due to his adrenaline rush, he shouted "Praise the Lord!!" a few more times, and the horse galloped even faster. Then, all of a sudden, he saw the edge of the cliff not too far in front of him. The path they were on was coming to a dead end. He panicked and kept on pulling the leash and and shouting for the horse to stop, but it did not respond. Then, the man realised what the farmer had told him, and shouted, "Amen!!" The horse came to a screeching halt just a few inches at the edge of the cliff. The man heaved a sigh of relief, "Ah... that was close.. Phew! Praise the Lord.."
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Simply Annoying Idiot.. (another ranting post)
I thought receptionists are supposed to be one of the nicest people you would ever meet. For some reason they have been invlolved in at least 2 incidents where I nearly felt like smacking them.. First incident was at my cousin's apartment when they wouldn't let me enter for 'security' reasons (for some reason I look like a serial rapist to them)
But first, I don't really know WHY IN THE WORLD did I choose surgical anatomy as my selective.. The surgeon that my group was assigned to will only be around once a month (and since we won't be able to see him next week because we are away on rural placement, next date available is 31 August.. what do we do in the other 7 weeks then?)..
The receptionist of the head and neck surgery is just plain annoying.. Halfway when I was speaking to her in the library on the phone, she complained that she couldn't really hear me on the phone and asked me "Can you please call me back when YOUR phone's reception is 'clearer'..?"
So I went to the campus centre to top up my phone credit (bear in mind that lecture starts in 1 hour, and I haven't had my lunch, haven't printed my lecture notes, haven't read through stuff for my afternoon study group).. and when I called her, halfway through the conversation again, she was complaining stuff like, "Are you walking? Can you just stand still for a moment because I can't really here you?!!!", [sound of people talking and walking nearby] "This is ridiculous.. how am I suppose to talk to you when there is so much noise in the background?" It's a miracle that from what she said and the way she said it, I did not blow my top or do anything that might jeopardise my group's selective experience (so far.. i'm pissed, seriously.. i initially wanted to go up to the clinic and 'cekik' her..ARGH!! [geram betul..]).. Honestly, she's really really asking for it.. now my day is ruined..
I haven't really used any inappropriate language for more than 3 months already and I don't remember when was the last time I lost my temper, so I really hope that she won't be the excuse that triggers it.. Control.. control..
But first, I don't really know WHY IN THE WORLD did I choose surgical anatomy as my selective.. The surgeon that my group was assigned to will only be around once a month (and since we won't be able to see him next week because we are away on rural placement, next date available is 31 August.. what do we do in the other 7 weeks then?)..
The receptionist of the head and neck surgery is just plain annoying.. Halfway when I was speaking to her in the library on the phone, she complained that she couldn't really hear me on the phone and asked me "Can you please call me back when YOUR phone's reception is 'clearer'..?"
So I went to the campus centre to top up my phone credit (bear in mind that lecture starts in 1 hour, and I haven't had my lunch, haven't printed my lecture notes, haven't read through stuff for my afternoon study group).. and when I called her, halfway through the conversation again, she was complaining stuff like, "Are you walking? Can you just stand still for a moment because I can't really here you?!!!", [sound of people talking and walking nearby] "This is ridiculous.. how am I suppose to talk to you when there is so much noise in the background?" It's a miracle that from what she said and the way she said it, I did not blow my top or do anything that might jeopardise my group's selective experience (so far.. i'm pissed, seriously.. i initially wanted to go up to the clinic and 'cekik' her..ARGH!! [geram betul..]).. Honestly, she's really really asking for it.. now my day is ruined..
I haven't really used any inappropriate language for more than 3 months already and I don't remember when was the last time I lost my temper, so I really hope that she won't be the excuse that triggers it.. Control.. control..
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Choices...choices Part 1
Trying to be in control of too many things (ie you want things to go your way) can really give you a big headache.. whether to drag myself out of bed for the 8 am lecture.. when paranoia surrounds you after a bizzare incident etc.
As much as I would like to go to Adelaide, I decided not to sign up for Australian University Games Taekwondo competition.. Reasons: 1. so busy in this semester that I don't have much time to commit for training, so stamina deteriorate already.. 2. not enough money (saving for end of year trips to Tasmania, Sydney, New Zealand and a possible ski trip..)
I would to learn to play guitar (or maybe drums).. no time.. maybe wait til i get back to Malaysia and get a cheap guitar..
Attended a BMedSc seminar today.. still contemplating on whether to do a third year research degree (paying medical course fees).. anywayz, if there are med students who are reading this, just want to recommend a book which may be worth reading.. it's called
Making Sense of Your Medical Career - Your strategic guide to success
by Riaz Agha
As much as I would like to go to Adelaide, I decided not to sign up for Australian University Games Taekwondo competition.. Reasons: 1. so busy in this semester that I don't have much time to commit for training, so stamina deteriorate already.. 2. not enough money (saving for end of year trips to Tasmania, Sydney, New Zealand and a possible ski trip..)
I would to learn to play guitar (or maybe drums).. no time.. maybe wait til i get back to Malaysia and get a cheap guitar..
Attended a BMedSc seminar today.. still contemplating on whether to do a third year research degree (paying medical course fees).. anywayz, if there are med students who are reading this, just want to recommend a book which may be worth reading.. it's called
Making Sense of Your Medical Career - Your strategic guide to success
by Riaz Agha
Gold Coast Winter Trip Screenshots: Sights and Sounds of Surfer's Paradise and Beyond..
Saturday, July 22, 2006
God and Little Mikey
A joke that Ivy shared with us last night during Care Group.
God: Little Mikey, do you know that a million years to you and everybody else is like a second to me, and a million dollars to you is like a penny to me?
Mikey: Really? In that case God, can I have a penny?
God: Sure, give me a second.
God: Little Mikey, do you know that a million years to you and everybody else is like a second to me, and a million dollars to you is like a penny to me?
Mikey: Really? In that case God, can I have a penny?
God: Sure, give me a second.
Only time will tell..
If you have been reading my blog a few months back i posted something (there is also a newspaper article http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,19039542-421,00.html) about the concerns that Monash medical students may not be learning enough anatomy since dissection will be scrapped next year.. well, these are the responses our student reps got from a dialogue with key members of the faculty (including the Dean and various Monash teaching hospital surgeons) which were posted on our intranet. Only time will tell whether they will go a long way..
* Monash's anatomy teaching allocation time is highest of any Australian University course (27% of 3rd year teaching time being allocated to anatomy, and that's not including PBL or Neuroanatomy teaching!)
* The surgeons represented were overall very supportive of the program, and commented that Monash students are at the higher end of the spectrum with regards to anatomical knowledge
* Anatomy teaching does not stop at 2nd year, it continues through the clinical years via PBL and bedside teaching (students aren't expected to have a comprehensive knowledge at the end of second year)
* There are plans to introduce an anatomy lecture series into teaching hospitals for clinical students & to make available formative testing (via MUSO) and computer anatomy teaching programs currently available to preclinical students
* There are plans to establish an improved 'introduction to anatomy' for 1st year med students in 1st semester
* Monash will be establishing itself as a leader in anatomy teaching with the construction of the Eric Glasgow Anatomy teaching centre (something like PBL rooms loaded with models and potted specimens other than those found in the anatomy museum)
* Anecdotally, most current clinical students are satisfied with their level of anatomical knowledge and would like to convey their assurance to students in the preclinical years that they are being taught enough anatomy
* Motivations of many parties who instigated the media attention surrounding teaching of anatomy, are not based around improving the standard of teaching for students. Those surgeons present at the meeting were positive about current teaching, but also advised of some strategies to continually improve its delivery throughout the course.
* A major priority in relation to teaching of anatomy in clinical years, should be the provision of 'signposts' to highlight key areas of knowledge to assist students with their self directed learning.
* An anatomy advisory board, consisting of clinicians, surgeons, and university teaching staff has been formed to oversee the anatomy curriculum
Overall, the meeting was very productive and all in attendance were satisfied with the conclusions reached as have been summarised above.
* Monash's anatomy teaching allocation time is highest of any Australian University course (27% of 3rd year teaching time being allocated to anatomy, and that's not including PBL or Neuroanatomy teaching!)
* The surgeons represented were overall very supportive of the program, and commented that Monash students are at the higher end of the spectrum with regards to anatomical knowledge
* Anatomy teaching does not stop at 2nd year, it continues through the clinical years via PBL and bedside teaching (students aren't expected to have a comprehensive knowledge at the end of second year)
* There are plans to introduce an anatomy lecture series into teaching hospitals for clinical students & to make available formative testing (via MUSO) and computer anatomy teaching programs currently available to preclinical students
* There are plans to establish an improved 'introduction to anatomy' for 1st year med students in 1st semester
* Monash will be establishing itself as a leader in anatomy teaching with the construction of the Eric Glasgow Anatomy teaching centre (something like PBL rooms loaded with models and potted specimens other than those found in the anatomy museum)
* Anecdotally, most current clinical students are satisfied with their level of anatomical knowledge and would like to convey their assurance to students in the preclinical years that they are being taught enough anatomy
* Motivations of many parties who instigated the media attention surrounding teaching of anatomy, are not based around improving the standard of teaching for students. Those surgeons present at the meeting were positive about current teaching, but also advised of some strategies to continually improve its delivery throughout the course.
* A major priority in relation to teaching of anatomy in clinical years, should be the provision of 'signposts' to highlight key areas of knowledge to assist students with their self directed learning.
* An anatomy advisory board, consisting of clinicians, surgeons, and university teaching staff has been formed to oversee the anatomy curriculum
Overall, the meeting was very productive and all in attendance were satisfied with the conclusions reached as have been summarised above.
Gold Coast Winter Trip Screenshots: Dreamworld Episode 2 - Miscellaneous

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Belated Post - Meltdown: Talk to the Hand
Had fun during Clinical Skills Tutorial regarding the Mental State Examination. We get to take turns to play the role as doctor and mentally challenged patient.. Funny lar.. As a guy who is hallucinates and thinks he's got cancer, i overexaggerated and tried to strangle Brian, my partner. lolz.. Honestly, that's probably one of the few fun moments this week..
I am very exhausted this week.. Imagine having to wake up for lectures at 8am til 5pm for every single weekday of this week (and another 4 days next week bear in mind it's winter now :p).. No choice but to skip a day or 2 of lectures due to inability to get out of bed.. Skip taekwondo lar this week i guess..
CCM counter duty during recruitment drive this week has been a humbling experience, for rather egoistic people like me.. I used to go around collecting donations for St John Ambulance, so this should be no big deal, or so i thought.. Dealing with rejections after rejections can be quite frustrating and discouraging, especially when people with no feelings and who are in a hurry just deliberately brushed you aside out of their way as a way of saying no.. (ie it's like "I am not really bothered to get involved since this is a Christian club..") As pissed off as i was, now i have come to realise how the salespeople and donation collectors on the streets back home felt.. and it was a bit hard to swallow the fact that i used to have the same attitude towards them as these on-campus students have on me now..
We had a briefing today regarding my Selective: Surgical Anatomy, my first choice!! I was happy to have gotten my first pick (maybe they give preference to Monash Malaysia students) until i heard what is in store for me.. Reason i chose it was because:
1. Assessment was pretty straight forward. No active participation in tutorials required , no 3000-word essays to write, not much research.. just attendance and mini poster plus oral presentation will do..
2. I'm interested to learn more anatomy to build up a strong scientific foundation..
Firstly, my selective won't necessarily be at the allocated time slot of Wednesday, 2-4pm as other selectives.. Instead, me and 3 others in a group will have to arrange to see our allocated surgeon at his hospital / surgery office. And the thing is, we might have to go to faraway places that we have never heard of before (anybody knows how to get to Cranbourne or Mooney Ponds??!!).. The surgeon may not necessarily be free at the time we want them to be free, so we may have to skip classes.. we are supposed to observe patients during pre-op, the surgery and post-op, and may have to sacrifice sleep and class attendance if the surgery happens to be in the wee hours such as 3am til 9am.. This goes on for around 8 weeks.. ARGH!!!!!!
I want more time to read my lecture notes and study my textbooks.. I need time for revision of last semester's stuff and OSCE practice.. I miss badminton, House MD, CSI, Grey's Anatomy, my bed and the usual 8 hours of sleep.. I really really do..
Applying for the Petronas convertible loan scholarship (since Monash emailed me an attachment).. I know that chances of getting it is rather unlikely, since:
1. They want people who did either STPM (pass pengajian am / general studies), matrikulasi or diploma. I did A-Levels..
2. Me only child, and dad's salary probably too high already (may not make sense, but i'm really having financial crisis - and it's not my overspending)..
3. Children of ex-Petronas employees and the 'you know whos' may get priority..
4. In case they call me for selection interview, it's not practical for me to fly back to Malaysia in the middle of semester just for something that is 50-50 (don't know whether can get or not)
Edited piece (time is currently 12.20am, 20 June 2006): Still filling in the form for Petronas scholarship..i'll use SPM since i don't know how to proceed if i put STPM.. basically felt like i'm wasting time (and handphone credit calling back home to obtain info).. time which could be used to study or rest (since tomorrow got lecture at 8am again).. call me 'kiasu'.. call me ridiculous.. call me whatever..
But anywayz, i don't really care.. i'll just throw in an application and hope for the best..
By the way, thanx Jason for the encouraging email :-)
Psalm 31:24 “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.”
before i forget..
I am very exhausted this week.. Imagine having to wake up for lectures at 8am til 5pm for every single weekday of this week (and another 4 days next week bear in mind it's winter now :p).. No choice but to skip a day or 2 of lectures due to inability to get out of bed.. Skip taekwondo lar this week i guess..
CCM counter duty during recruitment drive this week has been a humbling experience, for rather egoistic people like me.. I used to go around collecting donations for St John Ambulance, so this should be no big deal, or so i thought.. Dealing with rejections after rejections can be quite frustrating and discouraging, especially when people with no feelings and who are in a hurry just deliberately brushed you aside out of their way as a way of saying no.. (ie it's like "I am not really bothered to get involved since this is a Christian club..") As pissed off as i was, now i have come to realise how the salespeople and donation collectors on the streets back home felt.. and it was a bit hard to swallow the fact that i used to have the same attitude towards them as these on-campus students have on me now..
We had a briefing today regarding my Selective: Surgical Anatomy, my first choice!! I was happy to have gotten my first pick (maybe they give preference to Monash Malaysia students) until i heard what is in store for me.. Reason i chose it was because:
1. Assessment was pretty straight forward. No active participation in tutorials required , no 3000-word essays to write, not much research.. just attendance and mini poster plus oral presentation will do..
2. I'm interested to learn more anatomy to build up a strong scientific foundation..
Firstly, my selective won't necessarily be at the allocated time slot of Wednesday, 2-4pm as other selectives.. Instead, me and 3 others in a group will have to arrange to see our allocated surgeon at his hospital / surgery office. And the thing is, we might have to go to faraway places that we have never heard of before (anybody knows how to get to Cranbourne or Mooney Ponds??!!).. The surgeon may not necessarily be free at the time we want them to be free, so we may have to skip classes.. we are supposed to observe patients during pre-op, the surgery and post-op, and may have to sacrifice sleep and class attendance if the surgery happens to be in the wee hours such as 3am til 9am.. This goes on for around 8 weeks.. ARGH!!!!!!
I want more time to read my lecture notes and study my textbooks.. I need time for revision of last semester's stuff and OSCE practice.. I miss badminton, House MD, CSI, Grey's Anatomy, my bed and the usual 8 hours of sleep.. I really really do..
Applying for the Petronas convertible loan scholarship (since Monash emailed me an attachment).. I know that chances of getting it is rather unlikely, since:
1. They want people who did either STPM (pass pengajian am / general studies), matrikulasi or diploma. I did A-Levels..
2. Me only child, and dad's salary probably too high already (may not make sense, but i'm really having financial crisis - and it's not my overspending)..
3. Children of ex-Petronas employees and the 'you know whos' may get priority..
4. In case they call me for selection interview, it's not practical for me to fly back to Malaysia in the middle of semester just for something that is 50-50 (don't know whether can get or not)
Edited piece (time is currently 12.20am, 20 June 2006): Still filling in the form for Petronas scholarship..i'll use SPM since i don't know how to proceed if i put STPM.. basically felt like i'm wasting time (and handphone credit calling back home to obtain info).. time which could be used to study or rest (since tomorrow got lecture at 8am again).. call me 'kiasu'.. call me ridiculous.. call me whatever..
But anywayz, i don't really care.. i'll just throw in an application and hope for the best..
By the way, thanx Jason for the encouraging email :-)
Psalm 31:24 “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.”
before i forget..
Sunday, July 16, 2006
A New Day, A New Semester, Same Old Lousy Weather

Semester 2 starts tomorrow..just realised how many of my brain's neurones have died due to the 1 month holiday..i dread waking up for the 8am lectures this whole week (that means Monday to Friday 8am..wah lau..) and the Halls of Residence Orientation Week program just gives me more of a headache (with the loud music blasting away during freshman party downstairs).. i want more time to print out my notes and read them.. (pray and eat more omega 3 fish oil)
Anywayz, tomorrow's list of things to do:
Aseptic technique practical (not sure.. need to check my group. Oh, Monash..why do you like to always put up our group list and modify the timetables at the very last minute..?)
Recruitment Drive counter duty
Recreation hall booking for CCM BBQ
Taekwondo training
Meeting at Ivy's place regarding BBQ
For my usual study group mates, our planned 4 hour Study Group revision for Semester 1 stuff to prepare for End of Year exam starts....this week? For this sem's stuff, let's take into account 2 hours for the study group allocated by the med faculty plus 3 hours for PCL revision by my usual study mates..4 + 2 + 3 = 9 hours ==> plus an average of 20-25 contact hours in class per week ==> 30-35 hours.. that's not including self-study time, research and OSCE practice.
Don't you just love Semester 2? Haha.. dissection hall, here i come!! [with the chainsaw in hand] :p
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Happenings this week..

(haha joking lar, i better stop before Kevin comes after me later :p lolz)

Thursday, July 13, 2006
Expectations unfulfilled..mood swings?
Ranting post - i would prefer you not to read it (just felt like typing something to make myself feel better)
Been mourning for 2 hours already..
4.59 pm - I ran and ran all the way from Halls to CMHSE to collect my assignment report (10% of 1st year assessment marks).. for some reason whenever the med faculty has something for us (ie certificates, results, timetables, handouts etc) i'll always be among the first to collect it (don't know why)..so it's no surprise that despite chilly weather conditions that i did not hesitate to dash out into the cold drizzle. made it just in time..expectations were running high, and then........... not what i had expected..
I thought this assignment was pretty easy to score since a fellow senior who stays in the same hall scored almost perfect (minimum 8, maximum 10 for each of 10 sections) despite writing rather 'cincai'.. looking at mine - there were a couple of 6's and 7's here and there (especially on legal and ethics sections plus patient and my own perspectives' comments).. bitter pill to swallow, considering how much effort being put into 5 sleepless nights (ok, fine..it's a little bit last minute as well).. couldn't have picked more complicated things to write for those 4 sections, since i chose to be truthful about the issue i noticed during my GP visit (despite not having much to go on, and since available references are hard to find) and take up the challenge, while others score higher marks for sticking to basic issues such as consent and confidentiality.. but i can be happy with the fact that i score a full 10 for medical sociology and health enhancement sections (surpassing expectations)..
Feels kind of frustrating, especially since i was elated and thankful for my MED 1011 PGO (pass grade only) [in case you didn't know, 1st year med assessment only got pass or fail, no grades] only for this to ruin my day.. [almost felt like crying.. felt like throwing my plastic folder into the dustbin.. felt like screaming my head off.. felt like doing nothing else but sleep, sleep and sleep after devouring my 200g chocolate bar and bag of chips] control.. control.. i shouldn't complain and ought to be grateful that i passed.. (hmm..am i asking too much?)
i shall put this ranting episode behind me for now.. til then, nervous and musculoskeletal system; here i come..
Been mourning for 2 hours already..
4.59 pm - I ran and ran all the way from Halls to CMHSE to collect my assignment report (10% of 1st year assessment marks).. for some reason whenever the med faculty has something for us (ie certificates, results, timetables, handouts etc) i'll always be among the first to collect it (don't know why)..so it's no surprise that despite chilly weather conditions that i did not hesitate to dash out into the cold drizzle. made it just in time..expectations were running high, and then........... not what i had expected..
I thought this assignment was pretty easy to score since a fellow senior who stays in the same hall scored almost perfect (minimum 8, maximum 10 for each of 10 sections) despite writing rather 'cincai'.. looking at mine - there were a couple of 6's and 7's here and there (especially on legal and ethics sections plus patient and my own perspectives' comments).. bitter pill to swallow, considering how much effort being put into 5 sleepless nights (ok, fine..it's a little bit last minute as well).. couldn't have picked more complicated things to write for those 4 sections, since i chose to be truthful about the issue i noticed during my GP visit (despite not having much to go on, and since available references are hard to find) and take up the challenge, while others score higher marks for sticking to basic issues such as consent and confidentiality.. but i can be happy with the fact that i score a full 10 for medical sociology and health enhancement sections (surpassing expectations)..
Feels kind of frustrating, especially since i was elated and thankful for my MED 1011 PGO (pass grade only) [in case you didn't know, 1st year med assessment only got pass or fail, no grades] only for this to ruin my day.. [almost felt like crying.. felt like throwing my plastic folder into the dustbin.. felt like screaming my head off.. felt like doing nothing else but sleep, sleep and sleep after devouring my 200g chocolate bar and bag of chips] control.. control.. i shouldn't complain and ought to be grateful that i passed.. (hmm..am i asking too much?)
i shall put this ranting episode behind me for now.. til then, nervous and musculoskeletal system; here i come..
Most Wanted
Gold Coast Winter Trip Screenshots: Dreamworld Episode 1 - Australian Wildlife Experience
Check it out: A 100% car post (for Philip's eyes only :p)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
20 years on: The journey so far..

I'm a reflective person (inside my frontal lobe that is, but somehow I couldn't really translate my thoughts into words although I'm more of a writer than a speaker). From time to time, I would like to be left alone as I stare far ahead into the distance wondering what lies ahead of me. (Of course I can't see what the future holds, so I'll let tomorrow worry about itself.) At the same time, I tend to turn back the clock and ponder on things of the past. Things which have happened. Stupid and ridiculous things which I have done. Friends and neighbours from my primary school until now who have come and gone. My studies. My life. My joy and despair. My rights and wrongs. The 'could have beens'. (Some things from the past do come back to haunt me from time to time.) The wonderful memories. Sometimes I feel that I look back too much that my past seems to be pulling me down. All good things must come to an end one day, no matter how much we want them to stay. Wonder why in the world am I saying this now. Maybe I'm thinking too much. Maybe I'm bored. (don't worry, i have not lost my sanity yet) Am I really that anti-social? People commented that they dare not come to me because I put up a frowning look 90% of the time..
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Gold Coast Winter Trip Screenshots: Movie World Episode 4 - Miscellaneous
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