Semester 2 starts tomorrow..just realised how many of my brain's neurones have died due to the 1 month holiday..i dread waking up for the 8am lectures this whole week (that means Monday to Friday 8am..wah lau..) and the Halls of Residence Orientation Week program just gives me more of a headache (with the loud music blasting away during freshman party downstairs).. i want more time to print out my notes and read them.. (pray and eat more omega 3 fish oil)
Anywayz, tomorrow's list of things to do:
Aseptic technique practical (not sure.. need to check my group. Oh, Monash..why do you like to always put up our group list and modify the timetables at the very last minute..?)
Recruitment Drive counter duty
Recreation hall booking for CCM BBQ
Taekwondo training
Meeting at Ivy's place regarding BBQ
For my usual study group mates, our planned 4 hour Study Group revision for Semester 1 stuff to prepare for End of Year exam starts....this week? For this sem's stuff, let's take into account 2 hours for the study group allocated by the med faculty plus 3 hours for PCL revision by my usual study mates..4 + 2 + 3 = 9 hours ==> plus an average of 20-25 contact hours in class per week ==> 30-35 hours.. that's not including self-study time, research and OSCE practice.
Don't you just love Semester 2? Haha.. dissection hall, here i come!! [with the chainsaw in hand] :p
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