During the 1 week semester break, I had the opportunity to go for a 2 days 1 nite Leadership through Adventure Ministry Programme (LAMP) camp organised by the Monash Christian Fellowship for committee members, assistants and KG leaders. So we went to the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM). oh, and along the way Shu Yi, Li Wen and co. had to endure a dose of lameness :p We got lost, but we somehow arrived there in the end..

We started off with a game which required us to constantly be alert at all times :p

After that, we had a session which required us to set goals, ie what we desire to gain and achieve in this 2 days of camping..

Then came the application part, we were given 2 rubber rings, and we had to plan how to get from one checkpoint to another by taking turns to throw the rings to our partner (ie from checkpoint 1 to 2, do you want 2 have 2-3 small throws and ensure accuracy, or take the risk of missing with 1 big throw?).

Oh, we played traffic jam. lolz (remember Monash medical students transition camp?) Anyway, Joseph (ie engineering student) came up with the solution on solving the problem (haha, sorry lar.. but i oso forgot dy how to do it - long time dy).. Anyway, the important thing was that during the game, a few of us were trying to chip in ideas. I guess that sometimes it can be frustrating when working in a group if one's idea keeps getting rejected. Hence, it is important for the leader be aware of such situations - to assure everyone that all decisions made are for the group's benefit, and that everyone's ideas are appreciated. During the 2nd part of the game, we were blindfolded, and the eagerness of wanting to finish the round fast and break the record of the 1st round nearly caused us to forget the initial way of solving the game. Overconfidence can lead to complacency at certain times, especially if a particular task seems so familiar that we forget to exercise caution.

Then, we had lunch, before heading out for mountain biking.. Man, I tell you, that's actually more exercise in 2 hours than I had actually done in a month (can die wei, no wonder the hill is called 'Steroids Hill', super steep wei..

but our efforts were not in vain, as we were rewarded with a couple of nice things to admire..

and guess what? stupid leeches were everywhere! 2 in my shoes, then when I was taking my bath, one tried to climb up the bathroom door into the pocket of my pants..

and the butt of all jokes, guess where did one of it bite me?

Before dinner, there was an activity to test our creativity, balancing 20 nails on 1 nail hammered into a block of wood.

Definitely for engineers :p but we came up with a masterpiece!
Not much to do at night, the instructor took us deep into the jungle and left us there for 1 hour (without our watches and handphones) to do QT.. big challenge for me, coz I'm actually afraid of darkness and whatever nonsense lies behind the trees making funny noises. However, it was a good experience for me lar.. funny thing was when praying half way, for some reason I just sensed that something is going to happen, then all of a sudden there was a bright light shining from my right.. I was like, "Ok, what in the world is this?" turned out to be a 4WD of the park ranger. *pengsanz* lolz
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