Woke up early for devotion, morning exercise and then breakfast..

Then my group went tree-climbing :-) ya, like monkeys.. i tell u, its so hard to hoist myself up there. The harness was like causing pain to my thigh area, and when they adjusted it I got stomach cramps..

The hardest part was when u r stuck halfway between the ground and the top. Had to force myself to SCREAM and continue while shouting praise songs like some madman in the jungle :p but in the end it was worth it as I managed 2 reach the tree top (yay! :-))

Ya, this is me hugging the tree like my bolster.. Man, I missed my bolster..

And this is me after tree climbing.. super dirty and tired..

Ok.. after lunch, we had

Jo and I were paired in a group (Liang took the photos).. We had to navigate with a compass, count number of steps, calculate bearings etc to get from one checkpoint to another and retrieve a clue (sounds like jungle version of Amazing Race :p)

Anyway, funny part was when we came to the last checkpoint, it turned out to be a decoy.. Where was the actual checkpoint you ask?

Look closer.. Honestly, I can't believe how blind we turn out to be :p lolz but it was fun, haha..

Debriefing actually asked a few interesting questions.. Which of the equipment did we use the most? The compass was not of much help, as you can't really see what is ahead of you.. The map seemed a more reasonable option, furthermore the checkpoints you can compare with what is shown on the map.. Checkpoints on the map are like different stages in life. The map is like a guide, don't you think? Think word of God.. Up and downhill contours.. sound familiar? :p As for the compass, what does it describe of God? Pointing the right way? Never changing (yesterday today the same)? So ya, there needs to be a balance between experience and knowledge of what to do..

Choose a card containing characteristic (ie Hope, Faith, Perseverance etc) which you felt the camp has impacted on you the most, pray about it with a partner..

What we aim to take back to our university?

ok, we closed with a session appreciating the trainer guides who were with us for the past few days.. and of course; group photo!
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