This year has promised so much and yielded so little in terms of what I expected. [sigh..] Frustrating, so many things has happened, that quite a lot of people I know are on the verge of burning out already. Me too.. I think I lost count of the number of times I broke down last week.
But for all that has happened, I am indeed thankful for the little pockets of encouragement that has come my way.. though my second (supposedly last) year as an undergraduate student on campus b4 going 2 JB 4 clinical years was ruined by the faculty.. H-E-L-P, I want to see this final killer week through despite 6 assignments due..

I will worry about my exams (less than a month away) later, since I have not started studying any of my 1st and 2nd year notes at all. When will all this madness end?
your schedule was crazy!! D: sorry, stating the obvious, huh? :|
keep holding on to Him :)
all the best!
God bless
salute u guyz!
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